RE: Test to java transform

I think that I updated dom-to-xsd.xsl (at least in the xmlconf CVS) to add id attributes to every element that didn't have them, but that shouldn't break existing tests.  I also added <ignoreComments>
as an implementation condition, I noticed that I had overlooked it as a JAXP switch, however it is such an odd-ball that maybe it should be dropped.  I didn't rebuild dom1.xsd, however.

An if construct (from memory, so I could be slight off) should look like:

        <equals actual="variable" expected="variableOrLiteral"/>
        <!--  body of if statement goes here   -->
        <!--  else is optional   -->
            <!--  body of else clause goes here  -->

If the expected attribute is a string literal, it should be
represented by containing a double quoted string inside a
set of single quotes, that is (spaces added for emphasis):

expected = ' "domestic" '

I haven't tested the code gen on this construct.

Received on Tuesday, 26 June 2001 14:15:41 UTC