RE: SV: Minutes in brief and action items

Arnold, Curt writes:
 > The key configuration item is to define the categories of bugs and
 > groups.  Though these could evolve, it would be good to have a
 > reasonable starting set.

The first thing to do is to define the distinction between "Category"
and "Group" -- the last time I looked, SF did not provide any guidance
on this, but it makes a difference.  For Python, we use "Category" to
describe components/aspect of the software (documentation, build
system, parser/compiler, library modules, etc.), and "Group" to
describe the bug (irreproducable, not a bug, third-party bug,
platform-specific, etc.).  It's not clear that the bug, feature
request, or patch trackers should be separated -- I have a *strong*
suspicion that that adds navigational complexity without adding value.
I would suggest enabling only one of those three & calling it a "bug

"Documentation" is always a good category.  Note that comments on
project Web pages may also end up here.  For this project, perhaps
we should also consider "xUnit Conversion" (with *which* xUnit being
largely indicated by who it's assigned to) or have a "fooUnit
Conversion" for each "foo" that's covered.  Another category could be
"Schema/DTD", covering the schema/DTD and their generation.
Additional categories should be added for other "subprojects".

 > If anyone knows how I can remove mbrady (Michael Brady) from the
 > developer list, please let me know.

  It looks like you've figured this out already, so I'll replace the
text I started to write with this sentence.  ;-)


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at>
PythonLabs at Digital Creations

Received on Friday, 1 June 2001 12:57:59 UTC