SV: Something strange in the CVS [Probably need CVS admin help]

I've also managed to cjheck out transforms 8and only transforms) whereas
everything else fails. 
I did have initial problems getting authentication to begin with, chose to
stop using WinCVS and I'm currently cofiguring CygWin, which isn't that much
better. I've contacted the sysgroup at W3C and await further news.

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Curt Arnold []
Skickat: den 22 augusti 2001 08:25
Kopia: Philippe Le Hegaret
Ämne: Something strange in the CVS [Probably need CVS admin help]

Was about half way through a commit, when something snapped.  It seems to be
something broken with the CVS client for Windows that just kills any
interaction with the repository either as a known user or anonymous.  The
repository looks fine from cvsweb and from Linux, but I get this message
(which I think Mary was getting earlier in the week) even from a machine
that I just put cvs on.  Trying to check out 2001/XSL-Test-Suite seems to
work just fine.

C:\domts>cvs checkout 2001/DOM-Test-Suite
cvs server: Updating 2001/DOM-Test-Suite
U 2001/DOM-Test-Suite/README.cvs
U 2001/DOM-Test-Suite/build.xml
U 2001/DOM-Test-Suite/level-1-element.patch
U 2001/DOM-Test-Suite/svgfix.sed
U 2001/DOM-Test-Suite/wd-dom.patch
cvs server: Updating 2001/DOM-Test-Suite/
cvs [checkout aborted]: cannot make directory 2001/DOM-Test-Suite/ /CVSROOT:
such file or directory
Actually with some more investigation, it seems that
cvs checkout 2001/DOM-Test-Suite/tests
cvs checkout 2001/DOM-Test-Suite/java
cvs checkout 2001/DOM-Test-Suite/transforms
all work fine (and that if you combine that with the checkout
2001/DOM-Test-Suite you get the full project).  You can actually commit
changes as long as your working directory is deeper that DOM-Test-Suite.
Looking at that level in CVS web (
<> ) there is a mysterious
entry for a / (unnamed)directory.  Don't know how that got there, but could
see how it could confuse a CVS client.  The checkout on Linux also had an
unnamed directory.  
Mary and Dimitris, see if these tricks allow you to access with CVS.
Phillipe, could you have someone kill that unnamed directory (if that is the
right thing to do.)

Received on Wednesday, 22 August 2001 07:16:32 UTC