Re: MSXML 3 with NIST JSUnit tests

>"XML" is not a valid value for target.

The test is a bad one, and should be fixed.

As is noted in the DOM FAQ, some DOMs have been using a PI with the name
"XML" as a stopgap representation of the XML Declaration or Text
Declaration, pending the better solution expected in DOM Level 3. This is a
cheat, and I can't blame MS for complaining.

On the other hand, at this time I really can't recommend this as a negative
test either -- because this cheat _is_ being actively used.

The wisest solution, for DOM Level 2 and earlier, is probably to rewrite
this test to use a different PI name. The DOM Level 3 compliance suite
(when we're ready for it) may be able to include the negative test as well.

Joe Kesselman  / IBM Research

Received on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 19:43:37 UTC