Re: Adaption

On Thu, Jul 08, 2004 at 04:07:53PM +0100, Rotan Hanrahan wrote:
> Consider an example: CSS-MQ can select styles on the basis of some
> device properties, and sometimes these properties can only be known
> for sure at the client. But in a mobile situation, you'd have to send
> everything to the client so that it could execute its selection
> process. Not very efficient use of bandwidth, and possibly putting a
> burden on the client CPU and memory. So the alternative is to get the
> client to send the essential data toward the server side, to avoid
> comms overheads, and possibly move the processing to a place where
> there is more CPU, memory and power.

Ok, we need to draw a line here between content and style. Are you
talking about adapting content and/or style?

> The picture represents a technique, but you are free to blur the
> boundaries. In fact, we hope to blur the boundaries quite a lot.

I'm not so fond of the proxy [2]. Why not a basic picture of what could
happen between server and client? Direct requests and responses. That's
the model I much prefer.

> It doesn't propose techniques. It explains techniques that are known,
> though the techniques are at varying levels of maturity as you will
> discover when you go "shopping" for an implementation. Pick the one
> that suits your needs and your budget. (Budget includes your time, not
> just your money.)

Shouldn't the di do more than this? Give a recommendation? There is some
techniques there which I at least think should be avoided.  It should be
a clearer guideline.

> PS: Nokia UA: A summary of the actual issues observed by you w.r.t.
> this UA might be of particular interest to the audience of this list.
> And if you care to expand on other UAs it might make for a very
> interesting report. Similar compliance reports have been done for PC
> browsers (mostly markup/css related).

I could do a compliance report, but it would take me quite a lot of time
and I do not get paid for producing such reports. :/

From what I have tested [1], I can say this. Nokia UAs accept malformed
XHTML therefore you will have to expect authors to create malformed
XHTML. I am sure some people (myself included) have assumed mobile
vendors will only implement XML parsers, forcing content authors to
write well formed XHTML. This is not the case in reality.


Received on Friday, 9 July 2004 05:21:27 UTC