Re: UAX#50 conformance: Is it possible to update existing fonts without causing damage to existing non-CSS applications?

On 12/25/19 5:55 AM, Anders Rundgren wrote:
> Pardon guys, but why is this discussed on the www-archive list?

It was originally an off-list thread amongst several people, and as things got 
to be sufficiently detailed and technical, I asked to CC it to so that it would be publicly archived for future reference 
by those of us working on the topic both now and in the future.

(I anticipate at some point there will be some clearer conclusions that will 
warrant filing specific issues against one or more specs, but it's not clear 
yet what exactly those issues will be and whether they will affect one or more 
of OpenType, Unicode, CSS, or something else.)


Received on Monday, 30 December 2019 08:09:54 UTC