I don’t believe our Ruby parsing / handling has materially changed since… forever ago. We were evaluating Robin’s changes in W3C HTML5, but never checked anything in to my knowledge.
Sent from Outlook Mail<http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550987> for Windows 10
From: Anne van Kesteren
Sent: Saturday, September 5, 2015 9:28 AM
To: Jacob Rossi;Travis Leithead
Cc: www-archive
Subject: Edge and ruby markup
Hi Jacob, Travis,
I couldn't find anything on https://dev.modern.ie/platform/status/ so
I figured I'd email. What's the status of ruby? In particular are you
parsing rb/rtc in a way that matches Chromium/Gecko/WebKit and are you
styling them any differently (as only Gecko does at the moment) from
unknown elements?