- From: Janina Sajka <janina@rednote.net>
- Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2015 18:13:09 -0400
- To: David Singer <singer@apple.com>
- Cc: Steve Faulkner <faulkner.steve@gmail.com>, W3C WAI Protocols & Formats <public-pfwg@w3.org>, www-archive <www-archive@w3.org>, Alex Russell <slightlyoff@google.com>, Richard Schwerdtfeger <schwer@us.ibm.com>, Léonie Watson <lwatson@paciellogroup.com>, Chaals from Yandex <chaals@yandex-team.ru>, Andrew Kirkpatrick <akirkpat@adobe.com>, Alice Boxhall <aboxhall@google.com>, "Michael[tm] Smith" <mike@w3.org>, Philippe Le Hegaret <plh@w3.org>, Judy Brewer <jbrewer@w3.org>, Mike Paciello <mpaciello@paciellogroup.com>, Robin Berjon <robin@w3.org>
David Singer writes: > > > On Apr 8, 2015, at 8:31 , Janina Sajka <janina@rednote.net> wrote: > > > > PF has some 11 telecons weekly. No one in PF participates in all 11 > > calls. Yet, all 11 are doing pretty good work, imo. I frankly hesitate > > to ask all of PF to micro-manage any one of those 11 subteams. > > > > > > That seems like an excessive number of calls. Could you list them? I can imagine ARIA and general PF/review being separate…but 11? > Sure, though I must confess I miscounted. There are only 10. Times given are Boston. They are: Cognitive TF (joint with WCAG) Mondays at Noon (60 minutes) ARIA Authoring Guide Mondays at 13:00 (90 minutes) Media Subteam Mondays at 16:00 (60 minutes) ARIA Core A11y API Mappings Tuesdays 15:00 (60 minutes) APA (Spec Review and Overall Management) Wednesdays Noon (60) APA-Editors (odd) Wednesdays at 13:00 (60 minutes) ARIA-Dpub (joint with Dpub-IG) TF Thursdays 09:00 (60 minutes) HTML-A11Y TF (joint with HTML-WG) Thursdays at 11:00 (60 minutes) ARIA Main Thursdays at 12:30 (90 minutes) ARIA-SVG TF (joint with SVG-WG) Fridays 09:00 (60 minutes) Janina > > David Singer > Manager, Software Standards, Apple Inc. > -- Janina Sajka, Phone: +1.443.300.2200 sip:janina@asterisk.rednote.net Email: janina@rednote.net Linux Foundation Fellow Executive Chair, Accessibility Workgroup: http://a11y.org The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Chair, Protocols & Formats http://www.w3.org/wai/pf Indie UI http://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/
Received on Wednesday, 8 April 2015 22:13:57 UTC