Re: Publishing a new WD of quota-api

Reg: github repository, yes having it under w3c repository actually sounds
much better.  Thanks!
2015/04/03 午前0:54 "Arthur Barstow" <>:

> On 4/2/15 9:19 AM, Kinuko Yasuda wrote:
>> Hi Arthur,
>> Thanks for pinging me.  Yeah we should think about publishing a new WD.
>> The discussion is not really settled on several arguments though
>> (especially like this one,
>> which worries me a bit.
> OK, then I'll go ahead any prepare a WD for publication next week (and
> send a "PSA" to public-webapps announcing this intended publication).
> By the way, I think it would be helpful (f.ex. for discovery), if this
> spec was placed under the W3C's Github repository i.e.
> github/w3c/quota-api/. Would it be OK with you if we forked your repo and
> placed in W3C's repository?
> -Thanks, Art
>> Kinuko
>> On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 11:04 PM, Arthur Barstow <
>> <>> wrote:
>>     Hi Kinuko,
>>     Given there are a number of changes to the Quota Management API
>>     since the last WD was published in November 2013, we should move
>>     toward a new WD publication.
>>     If you would like, I will take the lead on preparing the WD and
>>     seeing that it is published. Please let me know if that is OK with
>>     you.
>>     -Thanks, Art

Received on Friday, 3 April 2015 01:50:14 UTC