DFXP Test Viewer Application

For public archival purposes, following is  a copy of a message [1] I sent
to member-tt@w3.org on April 25, 2007. The ZIP file referenced by the
message is available for download at [2].

[1] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-tt/2007Apr/0022.html

From: Glenn A. Adams <gadams@xfsi.com
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 03:51:48 -0400
Message-ID: <C0A7A8BF0F28BA4B9C6C8816309E1D071B481E@ES1.xfsi.com>
To: "W3C TTWG" <member-tt@w3.org

I am resending this message, which was blocked for distribution on our
member site either because of the size or nature of the attachment. I
have posted the attachment for downloading at your convenience at the
following location:


Attached is a win32 executable that implements a DFXP Presentation
Processor, which was (is) being used to create the reference images for
the test suite (implying that all of the tests for which a reference
image is supplied can be successfully processed and rendered -- though
you will need to ensure that you have MS Gothic, and MingLiu fonts --
which can be assured if you install the East Asian Languages option --
see Languages tab on Regional and Languages Options Control Panel).

Its usage is fairly self-explanatory. See the "Keyboard Accelerators"
menu item on the Help menu for useful commands, such as SPACE, which
starts and stops the timeline, and HOME, which resets timeline to zero.
You can change the polarity of timeline (i.e., go back/forward in time)
using MINUS. You can move forward/back one tick (frame) by using
LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys, or move forward/back to next presentationally
significant tick (key frame) by using SHIFT-LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys.

You can create a "DFXP File List" file and load it using
Control-Shift-O, in order to easily view a number of files sequentially,
using UP/DOWN arrow keys to move between files. Each line of the "file
list" file must be an absolute file system path, e.g., following is a
short "file list" file's content:


You can use Control-Shift-S to save a snapshot of viewable content (as a
BMP file). [Note that there is a small bug in this feature in that it
saves a 640 by 500 px image, even though it only uses 640 by 480 as the
size of the root container region.]

This executable is being made available for evaluation use only by the
W3C Timed Text Working Group (TTWG) members and other W3C staff or W3C
members (and their representatives) with a direct interest in the work
of the TTWG. No warranty whatsoever is asserted or implied.

Known Issues

1. Does not use tts:extent on the body element to determine root
container extent; rather, uses a fixed size (640 by 480 pixels) implied
by the "external authoring context", i.e., the test viewer

2. Does not use ttp:frameRate and ttp:subFrameRate on the tt element to
determine frame rate; rather, uses 30fps by default, but permits user to
change rate by using "Set Rate..." menu item.

3. Does not correctly treat a sequence of multiple manual line break
elements (<br/>) as multiple lines, but rather, collapses into a single
manual line break.

4. Does not correctly handle multiple line height specifications (on
span elements) within a single paragraph.

5. Saving screen image produces 640x500 pixel image, with extra 20px
black bar at bottom (nominally covered by window's status bar).

6. For the purposes of providing a title for a loaded document, only a
ttm:title element contained in a metadata element in the head element is
significant. In particular, ttm:title elements in other contexts are
effectively ignored.

7. Line/character numbers for errors reported in the error dialog are
not necessarily accurate.

Unimplemented or Untested Features

1. Does not support multiple references to style elements from style
attribute; i.e., style="s1 s2" is treated as style="s1".

2. Does not support right-to-left text, which means that tts:direction
and tts:unicodeBidi are effectively ignored.

3. Does not support top-to-bottom, left-to-right writing mode, i.e.,
tts:writingMode="tblr"; however, does support top-to-bottom,
right-to-left (tbrl) writing mode.

4. Does not support outlined text, i.e., tts:textOutline is effectively

5. Does not support dynamic flowed text, i.e., tts:overflow="scroll" is
treated as tts:overflow="visible"; tts:dynamicFlow is effectively

6. Does not support "em" or "c" length units or percentage lengths.
[These features are partially implemented but not yet verified for DFXP

7. Does not support non-square EM font sizes. [This feature is partially
implemented but not yet verified for DFXP content.]

8. Does not support SMPTE ("smpte") or clock time base (ttp:timeBase).
[Supports only an "implied" external media object with which timeline is

9. Does not support tick (t) time expression metric.

10. The semantics of xml:space are partially implemented, but not yet

11. The xml:lang, ttm:agent, and ttm:role attributes are effectively

12. Except for ttm:title within a metadata element within a head
element, all other metadata elements and ttm:* elements (and their
children) are effectively ignored.


Received on Wednesday, 17 September 2014 09:03:42 UTC