Re: Is the TAG structure harmful? [Was: Fwd: Forced Resignation]

Mark Nottingham wrote:
> after all, if you trust someone to be a contributor to the Web
> architecture, surely you trust them to know the difference between
> company interests and the Webs'?

Seriously? Really, seriously? If that's what you think, then your
warnings to me about "disruptiveness" on the http-wg list make a lot
more sense. But, I must strenuously disagree -- the last thing I trust
is that contributors here will put the interests of the Web ahead of the
interests of those cutting their paychecks. Otherwise, architectural
concerns wouldn't be scoffed at as they are. But, as you've made quite
clear to me, bringing up these concerns will get me banned as they're
political, not technical, in nature. But I think that's what HTTP/2 is
all about, so I'd best shut the **** up about it.


Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2014 06:35:04 UTC