Re: defn of Named Graph

On 09/24/2013 09:38 AM, Dan Brickley wrote:
>> >Do you have a use case (involving RDF on computers) for having different
>> >properties on different "graphs" (which happen to have the same triples),
>> >and which does not involve "graphs" changing over time?
> (jumping in here...)
> Related to change over time, but not quite the same: description of
> Actions that may never happen, e.g. possible events (alongwith URLs +
> info etc. that could be used to make them happen).
> Dan

Can you give me a little more detail there?

Maybe we're doing meeting scheduling, and the meeting might be at 9am in 
the Star room or might be at 10am in the Patel room, like this:

GRAPH :g1 { :staffMtg83 :start 2013-09-24T09ET; :location :Star }
GRAPH :g2 { :staffMtg83 :start 2013-09-24T10ET; :location :Patel }
:staffMtg83 :option :g1, :g2.

Something like that?

I agree that's a very interesting use case for datasets.

I don't think it's one that motivates having different properties on the 
same group of triples.  At least not as far as I can see.

       -- Sandro

Received on Tuesday, 24 September 2013 13:51:23 UTC