Re: URL work in HTML 5 (semifork)

On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 7:36 AM, "Martin J. Dürst"
<> wrote:
> Do we want to make sure that all other places that accept URIs or IRIs also
> accept a space and treat it the same? Maybe we would like to do so, but is
> it possible? Quite clearly no (just think HTTP request header).
> This essentially means that the fork is already here. In some sense, that's
> really bad news.

This makes no sense.

For an incoming request you first look for CRLF, then split on SP, and
only then can you start thinking about parsing the URL. (See for referenced tokens.)
And of course that URL cannot contain SP, but that does not mean you
cannot parse it with the same parser that can deal with URLs
containing SP.

I'm not arguing URLs should be allowed to contain SP, just that they
can (and do) in certain contexts and that we need to deal with that
(either by terminating processing or converting it to %20 or ignoring
it in case of domain names, if I remember correctly).

The rest of your email did make sense to me :-) (Though I should
probably add I do plan on defining what a valid URL is too without
reference. It seems cumbersome to have to look at a different document
for that and from testing browsers/servers seem to exchange a wider
set of characters than STD 66 allows, none of which are harmful.)


Received on Tuesday, 16 October 2012 11:29:42 UTC