- From: Daniel Dardailler <danield@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 15:06:33 +0100
- CC: "Liaisons, " <team-liaisons@w3.org>, Isidro.LASO@ec.europa.eu
- Message-ID: <50ACDFE9.2060007@w3.org>
Hello Isidro, all In relation to the public EC consultation at http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/newsroom/cf/itemdetail.cfm?item_id=8835 here is our input. Best regards. Daniel Dardailler W3C Director for International Relations. ================================================================================== W3C's reply on the Horizon 2020 innovation and financial aspects impacting Web Entrepreneurs November 2012 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The EC funds basic research - as it has in FP6 and FP7, and will continue to do so in Horizon 2020. The rationale is that while companies should be investing in developing their own products, mid-term and long-term investments are too risky, and it is not always clear how to monetise them directly. Hence these research level investments are made through government - through the EC programs. In the physical world, it is also accepted that basic infrastructure (roads, utilities, telecommunications cables and satellites, etc.) is funded by government because it raises all boats, and no individual company can reasonably make such investments. In the Web world, the basic infrastructure that transforms every industry and makes it possible for European companies to be effective and competitive for the next generation is the *world of Web standards*. Just as government funds the development of the physical infrastructure, it needs to fund the development of the data infrastructure, i.e. the Web. A logical place for the mandate to fund Web development is Horizon 2020. Horizon 2020 should fund those basic investments that are beyond the scope of individual companies and lead to technology competitiveness for Europe. Which is exactly what would result from investments in Web standards. A possible route to achieve this would be to fund SME participation in Web standards development. Where the output is a royalty free Open Standard (required for example by the Spanish <http://hdl.handle.net/10421/6561> and British <http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/openstandards> governments) the cost of participation could be subsidised through the payment of membership fees and travel expenses where relevant. The contribution from the beneficiaries would be their time and expertise in developing the Web platform. The EC could also fund more advanced work in standardisation in areas where Europe is already in the forefront: * data privacy --- easy access to cryptographic tools on the Web, data anonymisation, ID management etc.; * open government data --- discovery, visualisation and analysis for citizen empowerment and evidence-based policy making; * the mobile Web --- including applications within vehicles for safety, navigation, communication and back of seat entertainment; * multilingualism --- via W3C's continuous engagement in standardisation, SMEs will be empowered to participate in the realisation of the European single digital market in which the open Web will foster business and communication without language barriers. Entrepreneurs recognise modern Web standardisation as innovation in itself, understanding that things like training, education and internationalisation are part of a successful Web infrastructure. W3C offers all these services and has moved as far as it can to help start ups take part in in its standards work by introducing a reduced membership fee. This is available to companies with 10 or fewer employees, and with relatively modest revenue, for a limited period. This membership route, and the W3C policy of giving every member an equal say irrespective of size or number of participants in a working group, allows start ups to take part in standards-setting right alongside the biggest companies. Participation by small companies is also a way for them to learn about state-of-the-art Web trends, and raise their awareness of new and upcoming technologies, and not just contributing to standard development and supporting actions. However, active participation does cost any member time and money and it is this investment that we believe the Commission could usefully support. Major changes will affect many European industries because of the Web in the period considered (2014-20), in automotive, entertainment, transport, health, etc. and the EC could take measures that give advantages to Europe with a more active role in getting entire domains like those closer to the Web. This would put European industries and SMEs in the vanguard of the innovative development of the data infrastructure. ============
Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 14:06:57 UTC