RE: big5 and big5-hkscs 

By default, no, HK and other machines are the same.  We used to provide a hacked code page as an optional file for HKSCS support, which used a hacked CP950 (aka CP951) and installed that as CP950.  That provided HKSCS glyphs by reusing some of the PUA code points.

We recommend people convert from that mechanism to Unicode, using the tool you found to convert from the UTF-16 PUA to UTF-16 HKSCS.

What is actually found on the web, I have no clue.  Pretty much any CP951 encoded data isn't going to be very portable.  Our recommendation would be for people having such content to convert to UTF-16 (or maybe UTF-8).


-----Original Message-----
From: Anne van Kesteren [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 10:42 AM
To: Shawn Steele
Subject: Re: big5 and big5-hkscs

On Wed, 28 Mar 2012 19:14:46 +0200, Shawn Steele <> wrote:
> Ah, I didn't realize you were talking about the HKSCS code points, 
> even though you clearly had HKSCS in the subject :)  Brain cramp.
> I'm not sure if I have a mapping table from PUA HKSCS to Real Unicode 
> HKSCS code points, I'll see what I can find out.

And the related question, though maybe someone else can better answer that(?), is whether a default Windows installation in Hong Kong and Taiwan will produce different visual results when looking at all the possible byte sequences decoded as big5. And then in particular for the PUA code points of course. Because of a different font, different glyph lookup, something...

Thanks again,

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Wednesday, 28 March 2012 17:57:24 UTC