Re: Firefox bug: "Worker" load ignores Content-Type version parameter

On Fri, 18 Nov 2011 13:46:16 +0100, Julian Reschke <>  

> That's fine if you use a new type, or profile an existing one.
> But claiming that charset=... means something else before depending on  
> the context it's used in is asking for trouble.

What kind of trouble?

>> Just use UTF-8. If you can't use UTF-8 in your workers, use ASCII and
>> character escapes. AFAIK there's have been no requests to support legacy
>> encodings in workers in Opera.
> I'm ok with that. I'm not ok with treating something that has a charset  
> of ISO-8859-1 silently as UTF-8, in particular when other parts of the  
> platform disagree.

Why not? We have context-dependent treatment of MIME types already (e.g. a  
text/html resource can be treated as a script).

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Received on Friday, 18 November 2011 13:03:10 UTC