Re: W3C Web Applications WG & Seeking implementation data for widget specs

Hi Art,

Le 23/09/2010 18:52, Arthur Barstow a écrit :
> Hi,
> First, I am a co-Chair of the W3C's Web Applications Working Group which
> is responsible for creating the W3C's suite of Widget specifications
> [Widgets].
> Cyril has provided good feedback on these specs. I believe Institute
> Telecom is a W3C Member and that Cyril has some type of affiliation with
> Institute Telecom. As such, we would welcome Institute Telecom join the
> Web Applications WG (aka WebApps) and to nominate Cyril to this WG. Is
> that possible?
You are right, Institut Telecom is a W3C Member and Telecom ParisTech, as part of the Institut Telecom. We are in the process of nominating a new AC Rep (Serge Gourrier retired) so nomination to WG are a bit on hold. Additionally, on a personal level, I'm not sure I can commit. We will let you know more formally as soon as possible.

> Second, the WebApps WG is seeking implementation data for the following
> Widget specs:
> 1. Widget Packaging and Configuration
> 2. Digital Signatures for Widgets
> 3. The Widget Interface (aka TWI)
> 4. The 'view-mode' Media Feature:
> If your organization has any implementation data (e.g. GPAC) to share
> with us, please let us know.
Indeed, we believe that GPAC implemented P&C and TWI. We do not implement DigSig (not planned), nor VMMF (maybe in the future).

> FYI, we recorded some general implementation data in the following wiki
> document and we welcome change requests:
Thanks, we will look into it and propose changes.

Best regards,

> -Regards, Art Barstow

Cyril Concolato
Maître de Conférences/Associate Professor
Groupe Mutimedia/Multimedia Group
Telecom ParisTech
46 rue Barrault
75 013 Paris, France

Received on Monday, 27 September 2010 07:18:32 UTC