Hello Hixie,

I'm making progress on adding a layer of semantic checks to the WebIDL
checker that verifies some of the constraints defined in the WebIDL
specs; this includes verifying that the extended attributes are known,
the interfaces match defined names, etc.

So far, I still haven't found any real problem in the HTML5 spec,
although the (not-online-yet) checker raises a few false positives:
• for the unknown Supplemental and ReplaceableNamedProperties extended
attributes (that aren't defined in WebIDL yet)
• for the references to WindowProxy type which isn't defined anywhere

I know you've filed a request to add Supplemental to WebIDL; I'm not
sure if you have done so for ReplaceableNamedProperties; in both cases,
it would probably useful to document minimally the constraints
(accepting arguments or not, applicable to interfaces only or exception
as well, ...) you have in mind for these attributes to

For WindowProxy, I've seen that the spec says that WindowProxy is kind
of magical, which I assumes explains why "interface WindowProxy" appears
nowhere; I guess I could hard-wire the checker with knowledge about this
mythical interface, but I was wondering if there wasn't a way to still
declare the interface somewhere in the spec somehow?



Received on Friday, 29 January 2010 16:07:06 UTC