Please re-open ISSUE 106

Please re-open Issue 106.

There is renewed interest in addressing the confusion that "obsolete but 
conforming" is causing [1].

In addition, recently longdesc was made obsolete, without going through 
a deprecating process. This has caused a great deal of consternation and 
confusion within both the accessibility community[2], as well as the web 
development[3] and design community. People have been told to use 
longdesc in previous versions of HTML, but now they're told it's 
obsolete in HTML5. However, there is no alternative to longdesc provided 
in HTML5, and no path for people to follow if they want to provide the 
same functionality in HTML5. Such an abrupt modification, with  no 
graceful transition or consideration of impacted communities, is not the 
mark of a mature language or technology.

Such an action, and resulting negative consequences, justify re-opening 
this issue and making a call for change proposals. If no others provide 
a change proposal, I guarantee that I will provide one myself.

Thank you

Shelley Powers


Received on Tuesday, 17 August 2010 15:45:46 UTC