RE: Survey of list on the Unified Social XG Charter (Feedback)

On Thu, 26 Feb 2009, Christine Perey wrote:

> Hi Harry,
> Three topics
> Re: Openness
> 1. the wiki page with the charter, the list and the telecon are open to all.
> As you say, all the topics have been discussed by a few of us on the list.
> Unless I'm mistaken, these are the places where transparency and open
> process happens. Anyone can visit the charter and comment about it on the
> list. If a person cannot participate in the telecon, as suggested somewhere,
> a person should send a representative/delegate.

That is impossible for many people. The general trend with the W3C is to 
move activity to wikis and public-lists, and when there are disagreements 
where consensus can not be reached, to vote. Given the low activity on the 
list in general (most activity is myself, you, and Tim) I suggest a 
questionnaire is useful.

> 2. We have made an effort, by scheduling this telecon at an inconvenient
> hour for 80% of those who will participate (based in Western Europe), in
> order to ensure that anyone wishing to join from other geographies can join.
> Are some of the DiSO people you know going to join?

That's a good idea. I will invite them, although their joining is doubtful 
I would imagine.

> Re: the survey
> 1. How is the survey process different than asking everyone who has a strong
> opinion to express it on the list within 48 hours of the conference call?
> You could post to the list today asking if anyone with opinions on agenda
> topics such as merging the task forces (or other) and recommending that, as
> laid out on the teleconference page, they express them in writing to the
> list within at least 48 hours (21:00 GMT 2 March 2009).
> I think what Renato and Tim are suggesting is that you can kick off that
> process yourself by expressing your opinions on each of the items in the
> agenda (see teleconf page) to the list. If other discussion points you feel
> need to be raised are not on the agenda, please recommend via the list that
> they be added.
> 2. I went to this page to view the most recent edition of the questionnaire:
>   <>
> I have not found any of the changes suggested by myself and others have been
> implemented in the survey. If the survey were being modified in response to
> the recommendations, we might make progress and revisit the subject.
> Otherwise, it is clear that (as it stands at the moment on morning of Thurs
> Feb 26) it is unlikely to help more than hurt this difficult process.

I am working on this.

> Re: XG chairs
> There may be another error not previously pointed out about the survey. I
> noticed that on the survey in first draft (not public) you have placed my
> name on the list of possible XG co-chairs.
> I did not nominate myself on the Social Unified XG Charter (public) page.
> Are you nominating me for that esteemed position? ;-)

Apologies! If you wish to nominate yourself, now is the time. Otherwise I 
will remove your nomination.

> Christine
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Harry Halpin []
> Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 2:30 AM
> To: Renato Iannella
> Cc: Tim Anglade; Krishna Sankar (ksankar); Fabien Gandon; Karl Dubost; Mauro
> Nunez; Ann Bassetti; Dominique Hazael-Massieux; Miquel Martin; Christine
> Perey
> Subject: Re: Survey of list on the Unified Social XG Charter (Feedback
> On Thu, 26 Feb 2009, Renato Iannella wrote:
>> On 24 Feb 2009, at 20:24, Tim Anglade wrote:
>>> My feedback on the draft survey.
>> At this point, I suggest we drop the Survey, ask Participants to think
>> clearly about the current Charter, and make concrete proposals at the
>> teleconference.
> I strongly am against dropping the survey. First, we a small minority of
> possibly active people will be on the teleconference. Looking at the wiki, I
> only see eight people. That is very small.
> The survey will allow people who cannot make the telecon to have their
> opinions known and taken into consideration. Also, every question on the
> survey has already been suggested on the list-serv, this just allows us to
> collate answers easily as well as I get a decent idea of how many people are
> actually participating.
> The general trend at the W3C is away from making decisions at face-to-face
> meetings and even telecons and towards doing most of the work and even
> decisions on public list-servs. This is a proper and correct response to
> criticisms of the W3C of lack of transparency.    Remember, we're doing
> *open* standards work.
>> Cheers...  Renato Iannella


 	Harry Halpin
 	Informatics, University of Edinburgh

Received on Thursday, 26 February 2009 08:19:17 UTC