sanitizing cardio trainer tracks for sharing?

I have some cardio training tracks; I want to publish them,
but with all the points within about 200 meters of my house
elided for privacy.

I put together this Makefile stanza:

cardio_20apr_pub.gpx: CardioTrainer_Apr-20-2009_03-20PM.gpx
	$(GPSBABEL) -i gpx -f $< \
		-x radius,distance=$(NEIGHBORHOOD_RADIUS),lat=$(HOME_LAT),lon=
$(HOME_LON),exclude \
		-o gpx -F $@


(The actual LAT/LON that I'm using are different; I'd rather
not include them in this message to www-archive.)

And this converts it from gpx format to KML format:
	$(GPSBABEL) -i gpx -o kml $< $@
cardio_20apr_pub.kml: cardio_20apr_pub.gpx


But when I look at the resulting .kml in Google Earth,
all the points are there, even the ones within 200 M of
my house.

Clues? help?

Dan Connolly, W3C
gpg D3C2 887B 0F92 6005 C541  0875 0F91 96DE 6E52 C29E

Received on Tuesday, 21 April 2009 19:07:27 UTC