Re: The HTML5 project is a joint effort between the W3C and the WHATWG

Julian Reschke wrote:
>> Julian Reschke wrote:
> As far as I can tell, this is not accurate. There is feedback he said 
> he got (and I believe him) that he doesn't share with us because he 
> was told not to.

That's not really an issue, and there is nothing Ian can do to stop 
someone from sending him feedback, lots of people have his email 
address. I do know that he prefers everything to be sent to a public 
archive. The important thing to note here is that he doesn't discuss 
changes to the spec privately, meaning he makes all decisions publicly.

> It's hard to argue about feedback we can't see.

You don't have to argue about that feedback. Ian wont edit the spec 
without supplying publicly archived rationale for those changes, and if 
you don't agree with what's changed then simply ask him to explain his 
rationale in further detail. I'm sure if you can provide new 
evidence/feedback he'll change the spec accordingly.

Dean Edridge

Received on Sunday, 23 November 2008 11:01:51 UTC