Re: talk on aria and HTML5 at @media


Steven Faulkner wrote:

> I am presenting on wai -aria at @media, mostly demosntrating some
> examples of its use.
> i will be talking a little about the relationship between aria and
> HTML5. and also browser implementations.
> if you have any thoughts or important points i should include, i would
> appreciate your input.

Some thoughts and points:

  * Framing the relationship between the relationship between ARIA and  
HTML5: They have overlapping features.

  * The ARIA features are better suited for retrofitting accessibility  
into existing Web applications.

  * The HTML5 features will be easier to author. ARIA, on the other  
hand, requires quite a bit of authoring effort, so the audience may  
want to use an ARIA-enabled Ajax library instead of using ARIA directly.

  * It seems that browser vendors are implementing the ARIA features  
before corresponding HTML5 features like <progress>.

  * ARIA can be deployed without removing old browsers from  
circulation. The result just won't be AT-compatible in old browsers.

  * ARIA has a remarkable level of buy-in:

  * provides experimental syntax checking for HTML5+ARIA;  
people shouldn't feel that validation is holding them back.

Henri Sivonen

Received on Thursday, 15 May 2008 19:50:19 UTC