Re: Seeking earlier feedback from MS [Was: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests]

Ian Hickson wrote:

> It is maybe worth noting that in the time since you said Microsoft had 
> comments on the spec, and the time you finally sent those comments to the 
> list, the US held an entire cycle of presidential primaries (and a long 
> one at that -- one pundit termed it "the long flat seemingly endless 
> bataan death march to the Whitehouse"). If this was an isolated incident, 
> one might be more willing to give Microsoft the benefit of the doubt, but 
> it is just one more example in a long history of such behaviour that 
> started long before I got involved in the standards world in the late 90s. 
> If Microsoft want to improve their reputation, they should go above and 
> beyond being good citizens, not continue this long trend of half-hearted 
> participation.

Ian, how does this issue relate to US politics? MS has made many 
mistakes in the past but can we all move on from the *past* and work 
towards a better *future* (interoperability). Surely this will not work 
if you carry on in this insulting manner.

I can vouch that various IE team members seem to want to move away from 
the *past*. Can you? A employee from Opera likes to personally blog 
about IE8, the Bad. How does this help? When can a MS employee`ever put 
their head out without it being bitten off? Let us all encourage MS 
along their journey towards opennesses where we all learn to work 
*together* for the common good of the web. It can happen.


Received on Monday, 16 June 2008 07:34:15 UTC