How do people with hearing disabilities attend W3C telconferences?

Hi Philip,

on IRC, you asked an interesting question:
[02:04] <Philip`> How do people with hearing disabilities attend W3C  

hearing disabilities and non native speakers who have difficulties to  
understand the different accents (For example, a british accent can be  
very challenging).

The answer is live scribing on IRC. It is not perfect but it helps a  
lot to understand what is going on and have contexts or fills the  
holes for non native speakers. Then when it seems incomplete or not  
understandable reading what the scribe has typed, you can ask for  
clarifications, or someone will add a comment.

Dual input, Voice + Text, is really one of the cool features of W3C  

Karl Dubost - W3C
Be Strict To Be Cool

Received on Thursday, 17 April 2008 21:49:05 UTC