Re: WikiConsensus Re: The only name for the xml serialisation of html5

Dan Connolly wrote:

> On the other hand, lots of people (yourself included) could
> have changed it and, as far as I know, have not.

There would need to be some motivation, and that
would vary as the importance one ascribes to
world-writable media such as Wikipaedia.  For
myself, I am willing to consult it, but would
never dream of citing it as an authority; on
that basis, I see little point in leaping in
and changing ?Lacky?s words to indicate that
the assertion is contested, since there are
probably several hundred thousand equally disputable
assertions in the 'paedia if one could be
bothered to search them out ...

** Phil.

Received on Friday, 2 November 2007 17:11:38 UTC