Anne and XForms (was: Re: help navigating your HTML spec text objection?)

On Thu, 03 May 2007 16:09:26 +0200, Dan Connolly <> wrote:
>> "For the record, how would you do the above in XForms? "
>> in
> That's a message from Anne. Anne, I was under the impression that
> you (among others) were fairly familiar with both XForms and WF2.
> If that's not the case, then I'll have to re-think a few things.
> I wonder if you could answer your own question.

FWIW: I've read the XForms specification a few years back and played a bit  
with the Firefox plugin:

Since then I've read some parts of the XForms specification mostly when  
specific features came up in discussions, such as the repetition model,  

I certainly don't have extensive knowledge about XForms. I like to think  
I've enough knowledge about it to reasonably judge about it. I believe  
I've certainly enough knowledge to judge about it when it comes down to  
compatibility with HTML4.

I asked that question because I assumed XForms always required a <model>  
somewhere to be present. Apparently it doesn't. (Or it does and the given  
example was not complete.)

(At this point I'm not sure why I'm writing so much down, so I'll post it  
to www-archive.)

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Thursday, 3 May 2007 15:27:47 UTC