Re: [W3C docs] We should teach by example. (www-archive

On Wed, 11 Jul 2007 15:59:22 +0200, Maurice Carey  
<> wrote:
> I think having to work out exactly how user agents should react when  
> faced with mixed usage of quoted/unquoted attribute values and explicitly
> closed/optionally closed tags is just a ton of extra work both for the  
> group and the implementers.

FYI: This work has already been done (parsing section) and is of  
tremendous value to current and future implementors. It saves us huge  
amounts of time and money we would otherwise spend on reverse engineering  
other browser engines.

(This is also part of the HTML WG charter.)

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Sunday, 22 July 2007 09:19:04 UTC