Re: Dissatisfaction with HTML WG


Dean Edridge wrote:
> HTML5 (not so democratic or balanced) author guidelines: Lachlan Hunt 
> (Opera software) Deliberately published his guide with the W3C logo even 
> though that day there had been several objections to his loose choice of 
> formatting within the public-html mailing list.

This is the second time you have attacked me by calling me "not so 
democratic or balanced", without supplying any evidence or explanation. 
  There have also been some recent personal attacks (name-calling and 
accusations against myself and my colleagues) in off-list emails to me. 
  Such personal attacks are totally unacceptable and I will not tolerate 
such attitude!

We may disagree on certain issues, but I can assure you that I will 
consider feedback from everyone equally, based on the quality of the 
arguments, in the most democratic way possible.  If you can point out 
any particular instance related to the HTML5 authoring guidelines where 
you consider my response to be unbalanced, as opposed to an issue you 
simply disagree with, please do so.

Regarding my personal position on XHTML, as I am sure I have made clear 
several times in the past, authors must be free to make an informed 
decision about the use of HTML or XHTML, based on their own particular 
requirements.  I am not, despite your claims to the contrary, opposed to 
the use of XHTML and I do not think the web should be restricted to 
text/html.  (In fact, I even make use of XHTML on my own site.)

However, I do not believe XHTML should be mandated for every user agent. 
  Different UAs are aimed at different markets for different purposes. 
Depending on their requirements, market demand, available resources, or 
any other factors, vendors should be free to make an informed decision 
about whether to implement either HTML or XHTML, or both, rather than 
being unconditionally forced to implement both.

Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

Received on Tuesday, 25 December 2007 03:05:46 UTC