late for HTML WG call 2007-12-06

aloha, i know that i have an item pending review, but i will not 
be able to join the call until half-past, although i will join
as soon as possible and may or may not be able to follow some of
the IRC traffic...

             A busy man complained one day:
        "I get no time!" "What's that you say?"
           Cried out his friend, a lazy quiz;
         "You have, sir, all the time there is.
     There's plenty, too, and don't you doubt it--
          We're never for an hour without it."

       -- Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary
Gregory J. Rosmaita:
Camera Obscura:
Oedipus' Online Complex:

Received on Thursday, 6 December 2007 23:57:58 UTC