Re: ISSUE-24 (ogg-delete): Request to delete "should support Ogg" clause before publishing FPWD [HTML 5 spec]


Doug Schepers wrote:
> Lachlan Hunt wrote (on 12/1/2007 6:30 AM)
>> Other than Ogg Theora and Dirac, which is still under development, 
>> there are very few, if any, other options.  However, those two aren't 
>> patent-free either.  
> Small correction: "aren't *necessarily* patent-free".

What?  I don't understand what you mean.  It is known that Ogg Theora is 
covered by the VP3 patents and that the BBC has patented parts of Dirac. 
  Therefore, it is a fact that they aren't patent-free and what I said 
was correct.

Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

Received on Saturday, 1 December 2007 12:04:27 UTC