Re: Proposal to Adopt HTML5

I haven't cc'ed the HTMLWG (so as to keep the level of e-mail down), feel 
free to reply to public-html if you reply to this, however.

On Tue, 10 Apr 2007, Elliott Sprehn wrote:
> Sounds great. I agree with all comments in this thread that nothing in 
> the WHATWG HTML should be considered rubber stamped though, nor should 
> discussion on the WHATWG list be used as means by which to dismiss 
> others arguments against a point.
> If someone on this list feels there is sufficient reason readdress a 
> WHATWG HTML5 feature they should be given room to voice their concerns 
> and take seriously and not pointed at the WHATWG mail archive and told 
> "they decided this already, no need to discuss more".
> I know this is mentioned in the last paragraph of this quoted email, but 
> I believe it also is worth point out because I've gotten the feeling 
> from reading emails on this list and from IRC conversation that some 
> people who were involved in the WHATWG feel as if changing anything or 
> going a different route would be wrong since their effort on that spec 
> must be the "right" solution.

Please let me know if this e-mail doesn't address your concerns:

> > - that Ian Hickson is named as editor for the W3C's HTML 5 
> > specification, to preserve continuity with the existing WHATWG effort
> This seems okay. I do have one concern regarding his comments that the 
> WHATWG will continue development of their spec separately. Others have 
> already made comments that "Hixie's time would be better spent..." and 
> it seems that if his time is better spent doing anything its working on 
> this spec and not the WHAT WG spec since that's going to be largely a 
> redundant task.
> I also worry that if we decide to change or remove something in the 
> adopted WHATWG HTML5 spec that it will be shot down because the WHATWG 
> spec needs to be "parallel" or a superset.
> Is Hixie and the WHATWG willing to concede if we (the HTML WG) change 
> something that they *must* change it too to remain a proper superset?

Please let me know if the e-mail above and the following two e-mails don't 
address your conerns:

If these e-mails don't address your concerns, please let me know what it 
is exactly that they don't cover, so that I can answer them directly -- my 
impression is that I covered your points in those three earlier e-mails.

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Received on Tuesday, 10 April 2007 22:24:35 UTC