Re: Version information (offlist)

On Tue, 10 Apr 2007 00:03:52 +0200, Henrik Dvergsdal  
<> wrote:
>> I don't think authors should be allowed to use it. User agents should  
>> be required to support it in the rendering section by means of  
>> text-decoration:blink (which effectively means that support is  
>> optional).
>> I'm not sure what <blackface> is. <marquee> should probably be done  
>> similar to <blink>. Neither has much priority though, imo.
> I agree that elements like <blink>, <marquee> and <blackface> should not  
> be part of the standard. But this is very likely to contradict the  
> requirement that it should be compatible with the web as it is today. If  
> these elements are removed, the standard will most likely be  
> incompatible - and the web will, in principle, be "broken".
> I cannot see how specifying CSS based rendering requirements will make  
> any difference in this respect.

Your loss, I guess :-) It effectively means that we discourage people from  
using the elements (it's forbidden, the elements don't event exist as far  
as authors are concerned), but "require" user agents to support them so  
they don't lose market share, render the web and such.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Monday, 9 April 2007 22:08:23 UTC