preliminary XQTS results for Qexo

These are preliminary, so please don't post them quite yet on the web
* If have not run the output through a validator, though the output
appears to be well-formed.  (Can you recommend a simple command-line
open-source validator?)
* The results are from my working copy of Qexo.  They haven't even been
checked into the Kawa SVN source repository.
* In a few cases the log lists as "fail" some unfixed errors in the
* And of course I hope to fix more of the failures before I take a
break from beating on the testsuite.

A good chunk of the remaining errors are due to floating-point
inaccuracies.  I haven't looked at these closely.  However, it
seems like we need a new comparison mode for comparing such
numbers approximately.  "Text" isn't really right.

My goal is to make a Qexo/Kawa release soon high-lighting the
recent improvements in functionality and compatibility.
	--Per Bothner

Received on Tuesday, 26 September 2006 06:55:14 UTC