Re: euler5 test results testresults should
now be N3 RPN proof style using

@prefix e: <>.

  rdfs:comment """enter the fact on the RPN proof stack""";
  rdfs:range log:Formula.

  rdfs:comment """pull the rule succedent and push the rule consequent""";
  rdfs:range log:Formula.

  rdfs:comment """prove the query consequent""";
  rdfs:range log:Formula.

and the results are actually looking like:

# ++++++++++++++
# testing euler5
# ++++++++++++++

# Socrates mortal --
#Processed by Id: euler.yap,v 1.31 2006/05/20 11:18:41 josd Exp

@prefix math: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix owl: <>.
@prefix str: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix e: <>.
@prefix e: <>.
@prefix q: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix : <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.

[ e:enter {:Man rdfs:subClassOf :Mortal}].
[ e:enter {:Socrates rdf:type :Man}].
[ e:imply {{:Man rdfs:subClassOf :Mortal. :Socrates rdf:type :Man} =>
{:Socrates rdf:type :Mortal}}].
[ e:prove {{:Socrates rdf:type :Mortal} => {:Socrates rdf:type :Mortal}}].
:Socrates rdf:type :Mortal.

[ e:enter {:Socrates rdf:type :Man}].
[ e:prove {{:Socrates rdf:type :Man} => {:Socrates rdf:type :Man}}].
:Socrates rdf:type :Man.

#ENDS 0 msec.

# ========================================================================
# French cities --
# ========================================================================
#Processed by Id: euler.yap,v 1.31 2006/05/20 11:18:41 josd Exp

@prefix math: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix owl: <>.
@prefix str: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix e: <>.
@prefix : <>.

[ e:enter {:path rdf:type owl:TransitiveProperty}].
[ e:enter {:path rdf:type owl:TransitiveProperty}].
[ e:enter {:oneway rdfs:subPropertyOf :path}].
[ e:enter {:Paris :oneway :Chartres}].
[ e:imply {{:oneway rdfs:subPropertyOf :path. :Paris :oneway :Chartres} =>
{:Paris :path :Chartres}}].
[ e:enter {:path rdf:type owl:TransitiveProperty}].
[ e:enter {:oneway rdfs:subPropertyOf :path}].
[ e:enter {:Chartres :oneway :Lemans}].
[ e:imply {{:oneway rdfs:subPropertyOf :path. :Chartres :oneway :Lemans} =>
{:Chartres :path :Lemans}}].
[ e:enter {:oneway rdfs:subPropertyOf :path}].
[ e:enter {:Lemans :oneway :Angers}].
[ e:imply {{:oneway rdfs:subPropertyOf :path. :Lemans :oneway :Angers} =>
{:Lemans :path :Angers}}].
[ e:imply {{:path rdf:type owl:TransitiveProperty. :Chartres :path :Lemans.
:Lemans :path :Angers} => {:Chartres :path :Angers}}].
[ e:imply {{:path rdf:type owl:TransitiveProperty. :Paris :path :Chartres.
:Chartres :path :Angers} => {:Paris :path :Angers}}].
[ e:enter {:oneway rdfs:subPropertyOf :path}].
[ e:enter {:Angers :oneway :Nantes}].
[ e:imply {{:oneway rdfs:subPropertyOf :path. :Angers :oneway :Nantes} =>
{:Angers :path :Nantes}}].
[ e:imply {{:path rdf:type owl:TransitiveProperty. :Paris :path :Angers.
:Angers :path :Nantes} => {:Paris :path :Nantes}}].
[ e:prove {{:Paris :path :Nantes} => {:Paris :path :Nantes}}].
:Paris :path :Nantes.

#ENDS 10 msec.

# Medication prescription --
#Processed by Id: euler.yap,v 1.31 2006/05/20 11:18:41 josd Exp

@prefix math: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix owl: <>.
@prefix str: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix e: <>.
@prefix rpo: <>.
@prefix : <>.

[ e:enter {(:Joe :AcuteMyocardialInfarction) rpo:mu 0.9}].
[ e:enter {0.9 math:greaterThan 0.7}].
[ e:enter {:betaBlocker :prescribedFor :AcuteMyocardialInfarction}].
[ e:enter {:betaBlocker :excludedFor (:SevereAsthma
[ e:enter {(:Joe :SevereAsthma) rpo:mu 0.001}].
[ e:enter {0.001 math:lessThan 0.01}].
[ e:enter {(:SevereAsthma :ChronicObstructivePumonaryDisease) rdf:rest
[ e:imply {{(:SevereAsthma :ChronicObstructivePumonaryDisease) rdf:rest
(:ChronicObstructivePumonaryDisease)} =>
{(:ChronicObstructivePumonaryDisease) rdf:type rdf:List}}].
[ e:enter {(:Joe :ChronicObstructivePumonaryDisease) rpo:mu 0.001}].
[ e:enter {0.001 math:lessThan 0.01}].
[ e:imply {{(:Joe :ChronicObstructivePumonaryDisease) rpo:mu 0.001. 0.001
math:lessThan 0.01} => {:Joe :fineWith
[ e:imply {{(:Joe :SevereAsthma) rpo:mu 0.001. 0.001 math:lessThan 0.01.
(:ChronicObstructivePumonaryDisease) rdf:type rdf:List. :Joe :fineWith
(:ChronicObstructivePumonaryDisease)} => {:Joe :fineWith (:SevereAsthma
[ e:imply {{(:Joe :AcuteMyocardialInfarction) rpo:mu 0.9. 0.9
math:greaterThan 0.7. :betaBlocker :prescribedFor
:AcuteMyocardialInfarction. :betaBlocker :excludedFor (:SevereAsthma
:ChronicObstructivePumonaryDisease). :Joe :fineWith (:SevereAsthma
:ChronicObstructivePumonaryDisease)} => {:Joe :isPrescribed
[ e:prove {{:Joe :isPrescribed :betaBlocker} => {:Joe :isPrescribed
:Joe :isPrescribed :betaBlocker.

[ e:enter {(:Joe :AcuteMyocardialInfarction) rpo:mu 0.9}].
[ e:enter {0.9 math:greaterThan 0.7}].
[ e:enter {:aspirinLowDose :prescribedFor :AcuteMyocardialInfarction}].
[ e:enter {:aspirinLowDose :excludedFor (:ActivePepticUlcerDisease
[ e:enter {(:Joe :ActivePepticUlcerDisease) rpo:mu 0.006}].
[ e:enter {0.006 math:lessThan 0.01}].
[ e:enter {(:ActivePepticUlcerDisease :AllergyForAspirin) rdf:rest
[ e:imply {{(:ActivePepticUlcerDisease :AllergyForAspirin) rdf:rest
(:AllergyForAspirin)} => {(:AllergyForAspirin) rdf:type rdf:List}}].
[ e:enter {(:Joe :AllergyForAspirin) rpo:mu 0.001}].
[ e:enter {0.001 math:lessThan 0.01}].
[ e:imply {{(:Joe :AllergyForAspirin) rpo:mu 0.001. 0.001 math:lessThan
0.01} => {:Joe :fineWith (:AllergyForAspirin)}}].
[ e:imply {{(:Joe :ActivePepticUlcerDisease) rpo:mu 0.006. 0.006
math:lessThan 0.01. (:AllergyForAspirin) rdf:type rdf:List. :Joe :fineWith
(:AllergyForAspirin)} => {:Joe :fineWith (:ActivePepticUlcerDisease
[ e:imply {{(:Joe :AcuteMyocardialInfarction) rpo:mu 0.9. 0.9
math:greaterThan 0.7. :aspirinLowDose :prescribedFor
:AcuteMyocardialInfarction. :aspirinLowDose :excludedFor
(:ActivePepticUlcerDisease :AllergyForAspirin). :Joe :fineWith
(:ActivePepticUlcerDisease :AllergyForAspirin)} => {:Joe :isPrescribed
[ e:prove {{:Joe :isPrescribed :aspirinLowDose} => {:Joe :isPrescribed
:Joe :isPrescribed :aspirinLowDose.

#ENDS 0 msec.

# Medication prescription 2 --
#Processed by Id: euler.yap,v 1.31 2006/05/20 11:18:41 josd Exp

@prefix math: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix owl: <>.
@prefix str: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix e: <>.
@prefix rpo: <>.
@prefix : <>.

[ e:enter {:aspirinLowDose :prescribedFor :AcuteMyocardialInfarction}].
[ e:enter {(:Joe :AcuteMyocardialInfarction) rpo:mu 0.9}].
[ e:enter {0.9 math:greaterThan 0.7}].
[ e:imply {{:aspirinLowDose :prescribedFor :AcuteMyocardialInfarction.
(:Joe :AcuteMyocardialInfarction) rpo:mu 0.9. 0.9 math:greaterThan 0.7} =>
{:Joe :candidateFor :aspirinLowDose}}].
[ e:enter {[ e:no {:Joe :notPrescribed :aspirinLowDose}]}].
[ e:imply {{:Joe :candidateFor :aspirinLowDose. [ e:no {:Joe :notPrescribed
:aspirinLowDose}]} => {:Joe :isPrescribed :aspirinLowDose}}].
[ e:prove {{:Joe :isPrescribed :aspirinLowDose} => {:Joe :isPrescribed
:Joe :isPrescribed :aspirinLowDose.

[ e:enter {:betaBlocker :prescribedFor :AcuteMyocardialInfarction}].
[ e:enter {(:Joe :AcuteMyocardialInfarction) rpo:mu 0.9}].
[ e:enter {0.9 math:greaterThan 0.7}].
[ e:imply {{:betaBlocker :prescribedFor :AcuteMyocardialInfarction. (:Joe
:AcuteMyocardialInfarction) rpo:mu 0.9. 0.9 math:greaterThan 0.7} => {:Joe
:candidateFor :betaBlocker}}].
[ e:enter {[ e:no {:Joe :notPrescribed :betaBlocker}]}].
[ e:imply {{:Joe :candidateFor :betaBlocker. [ e:no {:Joe :notPrescribed
:betaBlocker}]} => {:Joe :isPrescribed :betaBlocker}}].
[ e:prove {{:Joe :isPrescribed :betaBlocker} => {:Joe :isPrescribed
:Joe :isPrescribed :betaBlocker.

#ENDS 0 msec.

# Schubert's steamroller --
#Processed by Id: euler.yap,v 1.31 2006/05/20 11:18:41 josd Exp

@prefix math: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix owl: <>.
@prefix str: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix e: <>.
@prefix : <>.

[ e:enter {:fox_1 rdf:type :Fox}].
[ e:imply {{:fox_1 rdf:type :Fox} => {:fox_1 rdf:type :Animal}}].
[ e:enter {:bird_1 rdf:type :Bird}].
[ e:imply {{:bird_1 rdf:type :Bird} => {:bird_1 rdf:type :Animal}}].
[ e:enter {:fox_1 rdf:type :Fox}].
[ e:imply {{:fox_1 rdf:type :Fox} => {:fox_1 rdf:type :Animal}}].
[ e:enter {:bird_1 rdf:type :Bird}].
[ e:imply {{:bird_1 rdf:type :Bird} => {:bird_1 rdf:type :Animal}}].
[ e:enter {:bird_1 rdf:type :Bird}].
[ e:enter {:fox_1 rdf:type :Fox}].
[ e:imply {{:bird_1 rdf:type :Bird. :fox_1 rdf:type :Fox} => {:bird_1
:smaller :fox_1}}].
[ e:enter {[ e:no {:fox_1 :dislikes :bird_1}]}].
[ e:enter {:caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Caterpillar}].
[ e:imply {{:caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Caterpillar} => {[ e:skf
(:caterpillar_food_of :caterpillar_1)] rdf:type :Plant}}].
[ e:enter {:bird_1 rdf:type :Bird}].
[ e:imply {{:bird_1 rdf:type :Bird} => {:bird_1 rdf:type :Animal}}].
[ e:enter {:caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Caterpillar}].
[ e:imply {{:caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Caterpillar} => {:caterpillar_1
rdf:type :Animal}}].
[ e:enter {:caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Caterpillar}].
[ e:enter {:bird_1 rdf:type :Bird}].
[ e:imply {{:caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Caterpillar. :bird_1 rdf:type :Bird}
=> {:caterpillar_1 :smaller :bird_1}}].
[ e:enter {[ e:no {:bird_1 :dislikes :caterpillar_1}]}].
[ e:enter {:caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Caterpillar}].
[ e:imply {{:caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Caterpillar} => {[ e:skf
(:caterpillar_food_of :caterpillar_1)] rdf:type :Plant}}].
[ e:enter {:caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Caterpillar}].
[ e:imply {{:caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Caterpillar} => {:caterpillar_1 :likes
[ e:skf (:caterpillar_food_of :caterpillar_1)]}}].
[ e:enter {:caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Caterpillar}].
[ e:imply {{:caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Caterpillar} => {[ e:skf
(:caterpillar_food_of :caterpillar_1)] rdf:type :Plant}}].
[ e:enter {[ e:no {:bird_1 :dislikes [ e:skf (:caterpillar_food_of
[ e:imply {{:bird_1 rdf:type :Animal. :caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Animal.
:caterpillar_1 :smaller :bird_1. [ e:no {:bird_1 :dislikes
:caterpillar_1}]. [ e:skf (:caterpillar_food_of :caterpillar_1)] rdf:type
:Plant. :caterpillar_1 :likes [ e:skf (:caterpillar_food_of
:caterpillar_1)]. [ e:skf (:caterpillar_food_of :caterpillar_1)] rdf:type
:Plant. [ e:no {:bird_1 :dislikes [ e:skf (:caterpillar_food_of
:caterpillar_1)]}]} => {:bird_1 :likes [ e:skf (:caterpillar_food_of
[ e:enter {:caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Caterpillar}].
[ e:imply {{:caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Caterpillar} => {[ e:skf
(:caterpillar_food_of :caterpillar_1)] rdf:type :Plant}}].
[ e:enter {[ e:no {:fox_1 :dislikes [ e:skf (:caterpillar_food_of
[ e:imply {{:fox_1 rdf:type :Animal. :bird_1 rdf:type :Animal. :bird_1
:smaller :fox_1. [ e:no {:fox_1 :dislikes :bird_1}]. [ e:skf
(:caterpillar_food_of :caterpillar_1)] rdf:type :Plant. :bird_1 :likes [
e:skf (:caterpillar_food_of :caterpillar_1)]. [ e:skf (:caterpillar_food_of
:caterpillar_1)] rdf:type :Plant. [ e:no {:fox_1 :dislikes [ e:skf
(:caterpillar_food_of :caterpillar_1)]}]} => {:fox_1 :likes :bird_1}}].
[ e:enter {:grain_1 rdf:type :Grain}].
[ e:enter {:bird_1 rdf:type :Bird}].
[ e:imply {{:bird_1 rdf:type :Bird} => {:bird_1 rdf:type :Animal}}].
[ e:enter {:caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Caterpillar}].
[ e:imply {{:caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Caterpillar} => {:caterpillar_1
rdf:type :Animal}}].
[ e:enter {:caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Caterpillar}].
[ e:enter {:bird_1 rdf:type :Bird}].
[ e:imply {{:caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Caterpillar. :bird_1 rdf:type :Bird}
=> {:caterpillar_1 :smaller :bird_1}}].
[ e:enter {[ e:no {:bird_1 :dislikes :caterpillar_1}]}].
[ e:enter {:caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Caterpillar}].
[ e:imply {{:caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Caterpillar} => {[ e:skf
(:caterpillar_food_of :caterpillar_1)] rdf:type :Plant}}].
[ e:enter {:caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Caterpillar}].
[ e:imply {{:caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Caterpillar} => {:caterpillar_1 :likes
[ e:skf (:caterpillar_food_of :caterpillar_1)]}}].
[ e:enter {:grain_1 rdf:type :Grain}].
[ e:imply {{:grain_1 rdf:type :Grain} => {:grain_1 rdf:type :Plant}}].
[ e:enter {[ e:no {:bird_1 :dislikes :grain_1}]}].
[ e:imply {{:bird_1 rdf:type :Animal. :caterpillar_1 rdf:type :Animal.
:caterpillar_1 :smaller :bird_1. [ e:no {:bird_1 :dislikes
:caterpillar_1}]. [ e:skf (:caterpillar_food_of :caterpillar_1)] rdf:type
:Plant. :caterpillar_1 :likes [ e:skf (:caterpillar_food_of
:caterpillar_1)]. :grain_1 rdf:type :Plant. [ e:no {:bird_1 :dislikes
:grain_1}]} => {:bird_1 :likes :grain_1}}].
[ e:prove {{:fox_1 rdf:type :Animal. :bird_1 rdf:type :Animal. :fox_1
:likes :bird_1. :grain_1 rdf:type :Grain. :bird_1 :likes :grain_1} =>
{{:fox_1 :likes :bird_1} :steamroller {:bird_1 :likes :grain_1}}}].
{:fox_1 :likes :bird_1} :steamroller {:bird_1 :likes :grain_1}.

#ENDS 20 msec.

# RadLex --
#Processed by Id: euler.yap,v 1.31 2006/05/20 11:18:41 josd Exp

@prefix math: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix owl: <>.
@prefix str: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix e: <>.
@prefix e: <>.
@prefix q: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix UMLS: <>.
@prefix ACR: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix : <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.

[ e:enter {_:e207812_0_ :rl-term :RL432}].
[ e:enter {_:e207812_0_ :axis-term _:e207867_0_}].
[ e:enter {_:e207867_0_ :rl-term :RL433}].
[ e:enter {:RL433 :name "rotator cuff muscles"}].
[ e:prove {{_:e207812_0_ :rl-term :RL432. _:e207812_0_ :axis-term
_:e207867_0_. _:e207867_0_ :rl-term :RL433. :RL433 :name "rotator cuff
muscles"} => {:RL433 :name "rotator cuff muscles"}}].
:RL433 :name "rotator cuff muscles".

[ e:enter {_:e207812_0_ :rl-term :RL432}].
[ e:enter {_:e207812_0_ :axis-term _:e207912_0_}].
[ e:enter {_:e207912_0_ :rl-term :RL438}].
[ e:enter {:RL438 :name "teres major muscle"}].
[ e:prove {{_:e207812_0_ :rl-term :RL432. _:e207812_0_ :axis-term
_:e207912_0_. _:e207912_0_ :rl-term :RL438. :RL438 :name "teres major
muscle"} => {:RL438 :name "teres major muscle"}}].
:RL438 :name "teres major muscle".

[ e:enter {_:e207812_0_ :rl-term :RL432}].
[ e:enter {_:e207812_0_ :axis-term _:e207917_0_}].
[ e:enter {_:e207917_0_ :rl-term :RL439}].
[ e:enter {:RL439 :name "deltoid muscle"}].
[ e:prove {{_:e207812_0_ :rl-term :RL432. _:e207812_0_ :axis-term
_:e207917_0_. _:e207917_0_ :rl-term :RL439. :RL439 :name "deltoid muscle"}
=> {:RL439 :name "deltoid muscle"}}].
:RL439 :name "deltoid muscle".

[ e:enter {_:e207812_0_ :rl-term :RL432}].
[ e:enter {_:e207812_0_ :axis-term _:e207922_0_}].
[ e:enter {_:e207922_0_ :rl-term :RL440}].
[ e:enter {:RL440 :name "trapezius muscle"}].
[ e:prove {{_:e207812_0_ :rl-term :RL432. _:e207812_0_ :axis-term
_:e207922_0_. _:e207922_0_ :rl-term :RL440. :RL440 :name "trapezius
muscle"} => {:RL440 :name "trapezius muscle"}}].
:RL440 :name "trapezius muscle".

[ e:enter {_:e207812_0_ :rl-term :RL432}].
[ e:enter {_:e207812_0_ :axis-term _:e207927_0_}].
[ e:enter {_:e207927_0_ :rl-term :RL441}].
[ e:enter {:RL441 :name "pectoralis major muscle"}].
[ e:prove {{_:e207812_0_ :rl-term :RL432. _:e207812_0_ :axis-term
_:e207927_0_. _:e207927_0_ :rl-term :RL441. :RL441 :name "pectoralis major
muscle"} => {:RL441 :name "pectoralis major muscle"}}].
:RL441 :name "pectoralis major muscle".

[ e:enter {_:e207812_0_ :rl-term :RL432}].
[ e:enter {_:e207812_0_ :axis-term _:e207932_0_}].
[ e:enter {_:e207932_0_ :rl-term :RL442}].
[ e:enter {:RL442 :name "pectoralis minor muscle"}].
[ e:prove {{_:e207812_0_ :rl-term :RL432. _:e207812_0_ :axis-term
_:e207932_0_. _:e207932_0_ :rl-term :RL442. :RL442 :name "pectoralis minor
muscle"} => {:RL442 :name "pectoralis minor muscle"}}].
:RL442 :name "pectoralis minor muscle".

#ENDS 0 msec.

# =======================================================================
# Einstein puzzle --
# =======================================================================
#Processed by Id: euler.yap,v 1.31 2006/05/20 11:18:41 josd Exp

@prefix math: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix owl: <>.
@prefix str: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix e: <>.
@prefix e: <>.
@prefix q: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix : <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.

[ e:enter {((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse
:marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish
:rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :item
(:dane :horse :marlboro :tea :blue)}].
[ e:enter {((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse
:marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish
:rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :item
(:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)}].
[ e:enter {((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse
:marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish
:rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :item
(:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red)}].
[ e:enter {((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse
:marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish
:rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :item
(:german :fish :rothmans :coffee :green)}].
[ e:enter {((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse
:marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish
:rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :near
((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse :marlboro :tea
[ e:enter {((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse
:marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish
:rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :item
(:german :fish :rothmans :coffee :green)}].
[ e:enter {((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse
:marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish
:rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :next
((:german :fish :rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer
[ e:enter {((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse
:marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish
:rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :item
(:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow)}].
[ e:enter {((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse
:marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish
:rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :item
(:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red)}].
[ e:enter {((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse
:marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish
:rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :item
(:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)}].
[ e:enter {((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse
:marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish
:rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :near
((:dane :horse :marlboro :tea :blue) (:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water
[ e:enter {((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse
:marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish
:rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :near
((:dane :horse :marlboro :tea :blue) (:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water
[ e:enter {((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse
:marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish
:rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :near
((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse :marlboro :tea
[ e:enter {((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse
:marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish
:rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :item
(:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red)}].
[ e:enter {((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse
:marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish
:rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :item
(:german :fish :rothmans :coffee :green)}].
[ e:imply {{((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse
:marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish
:rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :item
(:dane :horse :marlboro :tea :blue). ((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water
:yellow) (:dane :horse :marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk
:red) (:german :fish :rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer
:white)) :item (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white). ((:norwegian :cat
:dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse :marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird
:pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish :rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog
:winfield :beer :white)) :item (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red).
((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse :marlboro :tea
:blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish :rothmans :coffee
:green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :item (:german :fish
:rothmans :coffee :green). ((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow)
(:dane :horse :marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red)
(:german :fish :rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer
:white)) :near ((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse
:marlboro :tea :blue)). ((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane
:horse :marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german
:fish :rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :item
(:german :fish :rothmans :coffee :green). ((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water
:yellow) (:dane :horse :marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk
:red) (:german :fish :rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer
:white)) :next ((:german :fish :rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog
:winfield :beer :white)). ((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane
:horse :marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german
:fish :rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :item
(:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow). ((:norwegian :cat :dunhill
:water :yellow) (:dane :horse :marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall
:milk :red) (:german :fish :rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield
:beer :white)) :item (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red). ((:norwegian :cat
:dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse :marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit :bird
:pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish :rothmans :coffee :green) (:swede :dog
:winfield :beer :white)) :item (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white).
((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse :marlboro :tea
:blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish :rothmans :coffee
:green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :near ((:dane :horse
:marlboro :tea :blue) (:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow)).
((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse :marlboro :tea
:blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish :rothmans :coffee
:green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :near ((:dane :horse
:marlboro :tea :blue) (:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow)).
((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse :marlboro :tea
:blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish :rothmans :coffee
:green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :near ((:norwegian :cat
:dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse :marlboro :tea :blue)). ((:norwegian
:cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse :marlboro :tea :blue) (:brit
:bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish :rothmans :coffee :green)
(:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :item (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk
:red). ((:norwegian :cat :dunhill :water :yellow) (:dane :horse :marlboro
:tea :blue) (:brit :bird :pallmall :milk :red) (:german :fish :rothmans
:coffee :green) (:swede :dog :winfield :beer :white)) :item (:german :fish
:rothmans :coffee :green)} => {:german :eats :fish}}].
[ e:prove {{:german :eats :fish} => {:german :eats :fish}}].
:german :eats :fish.

#ENDS 10 msec.

# =========================================================================
# Logical Framework --
# =========================================================================
#Processed by Id: euler.yap,v 1.31 2006/05/20 11:18:41 josd Exp

@prefix math: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix owl: <>.
@prefix str: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix e: <>.
@prefix e: <>.
@prefix q: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix : <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.

[ e:enter {{{?_882 :p1 :o1. :s2 :p2 :o2} :p3 ?_942. :s4 :p4 ?_956} :p5 {:s6
:p6 ?_891}}].
[ e:imply {{{{?_882 :p1 :o1. :s2 :p2 :o2} :p3 ?_942. :s4 :p4 ?_956} :p5
{:s6 :p6 ?_891}} => {{:s4 :p7 ?_872. {?_882 :p1 :o1. :s2 :p2 :o2} :p8 {:s6
:p6 ?_891}} => {:s6 :p6 ?_891}}}].
[ e:prove {{{:s4 :p7 ?_872. {?_882 :p1 :o1. :s2 :p2 :o2} :p8 {:s6 :p6
?_891}} => {:s6 :p6 ?_891}} => {{:s4 :p7 ?_872. {?_882 :p1 :o1. :s2 :p2
:o2} :p8 {:s6 :p6 ?_891}} => {:s6 :p6 ?_891}}}].
{:s4 :p7 ?_872. {?_882 :p1 :o1. :s2 :p2 :o2} :p8 {:s6 :p6 ?_891}} => {:s6
:p6 ?_891}.

#ENDS 0 msec.

# Gedcom example --
#Processed by Id: euler.yap,v 1.31 2006/05/20 11:18:41 josd Exp

@prefix math: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix owl: <>.
@prefix str: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix e: <>.
@prefix p0: <>.
@prefix q: <>.
@prefix list: <>.
@prefix e: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
@prefix gc: <>.
@prefix : <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix math: <>.
@prefix owl: <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.

[ e:enter {:Jos gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:Maria gc:spouseIn :dp}].
[ e:imply {{:Jos gc:childIn :dp. :Maria gc:spouseIn :dp} => {:Jos gc:parent
[ e:enter {:Maria gc:sex gc:Female}].
[ e:imply {{:Jos gc:parent :Maria. :Maria gc:sex gc:Female} => {:Jos
gc:mother :Maria}}].
[ e:enter {:Rita gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:Maria gc:spouseIn :dp}].
[ e:imply {{:Rita gc:childIn :dp. :Maria gc:spouseIn :dp} => {:Rita
gc:parent :Maria}}].
[ e:enter {:Rita gc:sex gc:Female}].
[ e:imply {{:Rita gc:parent :Maria. :Rita gc:sex gc:Female} => {:Maria
gc:daughter :Rita}}].
[ e:enter {:Bart gc:childIn :gd}].
[ e:enter {:Rita gc:spouseIn :gd}].
[ e:imply {{:Bart gc:childIn :gd. :Rita gc:spouseIn :gd} => {:Bart
gc:parent :Rita}}].
[ e:enter {:Bart gc:sex gc:Male}].
[ e:imply {{:Bart gc:parent :Rita. :Bart gc:sex gc:Male} => {:Rita gc:son
[ e:enter {:Bart gc:childIn :gd}].
[ e:enter {:Rita gc:spouseIn :gd}].
[ e:imply {{:Bart gc:childIn :gd. :Rita gc:spouseIn :gd} => {:Bart
gc:parent :Rita}}].
[ e:enter {gc:sibling rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty}].
[ e:enter {:Jos gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:Rita gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk
[ e:enter {owl:distinctMembers rdfs:range rdf:List}].
[ e:enter {:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk
[ e:imply {{owl:distinctMembers rdfs:range rdf:List. :dp
owl:distinctMembers (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {(:Jos
:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List}}].
[ e:imply {{(:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List}
=> {(:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) p0:subListOf (:Jos :Rita
:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}}].
[ e:enter {(:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:first :Jos}].
[ e:enter {(:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Rita
:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:enter {(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:first :Rita}].
[ e:enter {rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List}].
[ e:enter {(:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Rita
:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:imply {{rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List. (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline
:Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {(:Rita
:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List}}].
[ e:imply {{(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:first :Rita. (:Rita
:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List} => {:Rita list:in (:Rita
:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}}].
[ e:imply {{:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk
:Greta). (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) p0:subListOf (:Jos
:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta). (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk
:Greta) rdf:first :Jos. (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest
(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta). :Rita list:in (:Rita :Geert
:Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {:Jos owl:differentFrom :Rita}}].
[ e:imply {{:Jos gc:childIn :dp. :Rita gc:childIn :dp. :Jos
owl:differentFrom :Rita} => {:Jos gc:sibling :Rita}}].
[ e:imply {{gc:sibling rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty. :Jos gc:sibling
:Rita} => {:Rita gc:sibling :Jos}}].
[ e:enter {:Jos gc:sex gc:Male}].
[ e:imply {{:Rita gc:sibling :Jos. :Jos gc:sex gc:Male} => {:Rita
gc:brother :Jos}}].
[ e:imply {{:Bart gc:parent :Rita. :Rita gc:brother :Jos} => {:Bart
gc:uncle :Jos}}].
[ e:prove {{:Jos gc:mother :Maria. :Maria gc:daughter :Rita. :Rita gc:son
:Bart. :Bart gc:uncle :Jos} => {:Jos :testRelationship :Bart}}].
:Jos :testRelationship :Bart.

[ e:enter {:Jos gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:Maria gc:spouseIn :dp}].
[ e:imply {{:Jos gc:childIn :dp. :Maria gc:spouseIn :dp} => {:Jos gc:parent
[ e:enter {:Maria gc:sex gc:Female}].
[ e:imply {{:Jos gc:parent :Maria. :Maria gc:sex gc:Female} => {:Jos
gc:mother :Maria}}].
[ e:enter {:Greta gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:Maria gc:spouseIn :dp}].
[ e:imply {{:Greta gc:childIn :dp. :Maria gc:spouseIn :dp} => {:Greta
gc:parent :Maria}}].
[ e:enter {:Greta gc:sex gc:Female}].
[ e:imply {{:Greta gc:parent :Maria. :Greta gc:sex gc:Female} => {:Maria
gc:daughter :Greta}}].
[ e:enter {:Tom gc:childIn :sd}].
[ e:enter {:Greta gc:spouseIn :sd}].
[ e:imply {{:Tom gc:childIn :sd. :Greta gc:spouseIn :sd} => {:Tom gc:parent
[ e:enter {:Tom gc:sex gc:Male}].
[ e:imply {{:Tom gc:parent :Greta. :Tom gc:sex gc:Male} => {:Greta gc:son
[ e:enter {:Tom gc:childIn :sd}].
[ e:enter {:Greta gc:spouseIn :sd}].
[ e:imply {{:Tom gc:childIn :sd. :Greta gc:spouseIn :sd} => {:Tom gc:parent
[ e:enter {gc:sibling rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty}].
[ e:enter {:Jos gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:Greta gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk
[ e:enter {owl:distinctMembers rdfs:range rdf:List}].
[ e:enter {:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk
[ e:imply {{owl:distinctMembers rdfs:range rdf:List. :dp
owl:distinctMembers (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {(:Jos
:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List}}].
[ e:imply {{(:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List}
=> {(:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) p0:subListOf (:Jos :Rita
:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}}].
[ e:enter {(:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:first :Jos}].
[ e:enter {(:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Rita
:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:enter {(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Geert :Caroline
:Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:enter {rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List}].
[ e:enter {(:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Rita
:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:imply {{rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List. (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline
:Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {(:Rita
:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List}}].
[ e:enter {(:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Caroline :Dirk
[ e:enter {rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List}].
[ e:enter {(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Geert :Caroline
:Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:imply {{rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List. (:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk
:Greta) rdf:rest (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {(:Geert :Caroline
:Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List}}].
[ e:enter {(:Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:enter {rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List}].
[ e:enter {(:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Caroline :Dirk
[ e:imply {{rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List. (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)
rdf:rest (:Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {(:Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:type
[ e:enter {(:Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Greta)}].
[ e:enter {rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List}].
[ e:enter {(:Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:imply {{rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List. (:Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest
(:Dirk :Greta)} => {(:Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List}}].
[ e:enter {(:Greta) rdf:first :Greta}].
[ e:enter {rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List}].
[ e:enter {(:Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Greta)}].
[ e:imply {{rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List. (:Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Greta)}
=> {(:Greta) rdf:type rdf:List}}].
[ e:imply {{(:Greta) rdf:first :Greta. (:Greta) rdf:type rdf:List} =>
{:Greta list:in (:Greta)}}].
[ e:imply {{(:Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Greta). (:Dirk :Greta) rdf:type
rdf:List. :Greta list:in (:Greta)} => {:Greta list:in (:Dirk :Greta)}}].
[ e:imply {{(:Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Dirk :Greta). (:Caroline
:Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List. :Greta list:in (:Dirk :Greta)} => {:Greta
list:in (:Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}}].
[ e:imply {{(:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Caroline :Dirk
:Greta). (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List. :Greta list:in
(:Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {:Greta list:in (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk
[ e:imply {{(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Geert
:Caroline :Dirk :Greta). (:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:type
rdf:List. :Greta list:in (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {:Greta
list:in (:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}}].
[ e:imply {{:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk
:Greta). (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) p0:subListOf (:Jos
:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta). (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk
:Greta) rdf:first :Jos. (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest
(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta). :Greta list:in (:Rita :Geert
:Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {:Jos owl:differentFrom :Greta}}].
[ e:imply {{:Jos gc:childIn :dp. :Greta gc:childIn :dp. :Jos
owl:differentFrom :Greta} => {:Jos gc:sibling :Greta}}].
[ e:imply {{gc:sibling rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty. :Jos gc:sibling
:Greta} => {:Greta gc:sibling :Jos}}].
[ e:enter {:Jos gc:sex gc:Male}].
[ e:imply {{:Greta gc:sibling :Jos. :Jos gc:sex gc:Male} => {:Greta
gc:brother :Jos}}].
[ e:imply {{:Tom gc:parent :Greta. :Greta gc:brother :Jos} => {:Tom
gc:uncle :Jos}}].
[ e:prove {{:Jos gc:mother :Maria. :Maria gc:daughter :Greta. :Greta gc:son
:Tom. :Tom gc:uncle :Jos} => {:Jos :testRelationship :Tom}}].
:Jos :testRelationship :Tom.

[ e:enter {:Geert gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:Maria gc:spouseIn :dp}].
[ e:imply {{:Geert gc:childIn :dp. :Maria gc:spouseIn :dp} => {:Geert
gc:parent :Maria}}].
[ e:enter {:Maria gc:sex gc:Female}].
[ e:imply {{:Geert gc:parent :Maria. :Maria gc:sex gc:Female} => {:Geert
gc:mother :Maria}}].
[ e:enter {:Rita gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:Maria gc:spouseIn :dp}].
[ e:imply {{:Rita gc:childIn :dp. :Maria gc:spouseIn :dp} => {:Rita
gc:parent :Maria}}].
[ e:enter {:Rita gc:sex gc:Female}].
[ e:imply {{:Rita gc:parent :Maria. :Rita gc:sex gc:Female} => {:Maria
gc:daughter :Rita}}].
[ e:enter {:Bart gc:childIn :gd}].
[ e:enter {:Rita gc:spouseIn :gd}].
[ e:imply {{:Bart gc:childIn :gd. :Rita gc:spouseIn :gd} => {:Bart
gc:parent :Rita}}].
[ e:enter {:Bart gc:sex gc:Male}].
[ e:imply {{:Bart gc:parent :Rita. :Bart gc:sex gc:Male} => {:Rita gc:son
[ e:enter {:Bart gc:childIn :gd}].
[ e:enter {:Rita gc:spouseIn :gd}].
[ e:imply {{:Bart gc:childIn :gd. :Rita gc:spouseIn :gd} => {:Bart
gc:parent :Rita}}].
[ e:enter {:Rita gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:Geert gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk
[ e:enter {(:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Rita
:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:imply {{:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk
:Greta). (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Rita :Geert
:Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Rita :Geert
:Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}}].
[ e:enter {rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List}].
[ e:enter {(:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Rita
:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:imply {{rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List. (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline
:Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {(:Rita
:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List}}].
[ e:imply {{(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List} =>
{(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) p0:subListOf (:Rita :Geert :Caroline
:Dirk :Greta)}}].
[ e:enter {(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:first :Rita}].
[ e:enter {(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Geert :Caroline
:Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:enter {(:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:first :Geert}].
[ e:enter {rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List}].
[ e:enter {(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Geert :Caroline
:Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:imply {{rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List. (:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk
:Greta) rdf:rest (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {(:Geert :Caroline
:Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List}}].
[ e:imply {{(:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:first :Geert. (:Geert
:Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List} => {:Geert list:in (:Geert
:Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}}].
[ e:imply {{:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta).
(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) p0:subListOf (:Rita :Geert :Caroline
:Dirk :Greta). (:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:first :Rita.
(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk
:Greta). :Geert list:in (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {:Rita
owl:differentFrom :Geert}}].
[ e:imply {{:Rita gc:childIn :dp. :Geert gc:childIn :dp. :Rita
owl:differentFrom :Geert} => {:Rita gc:sibling :Geert}}].
[ e:enter {:Geert gc:sex gc:Male}].
[ e:imply {{:Rita gc:sibling :Geert. :Geert gc:sex gc:Male} => {:Rita
gc:brother :Geert}}].
[ e:imply {{:Bart gc:parent :Rita. :Rita gc:brother :Geert} => {:Bart
gc:uncle :Geert}}].
[ e:prove {{:Geert gc:mother :Maria. :Maria gc:daughter :Rita. :Rita gc:son
:Bart. :Bart gc:uncle :Geert} => {:Geert :testRelationship :Bart}}].
:Geert :testRelationship :Bart.

[ e:enter {:Geert gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:Maria gc:spouseIn :dp}].
[ e:imply {{:Geert gc:childIn :dp. :Maria gc:spouseIn :dp} => {:Geert
gc:parent :Maria}}].
[ e:enter {:Maria gc:sex gc:Female}].
[ e:imply {{:Geert gc:parent :Maria. :Maria gc:sex gc:Female} => {:Geert
gc:mother :Maria}}].
[ e:enter {:Greta gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:Maria gc:spouseIn :dp}].
[ e:imply {{:Greta gc:childIn :dp. :Maria gc:spouseIn :dp} => {:Greta
gc:parent :Maria}}].
[ e:enter {:Greta gc:sex gc:Female}].
[ e:imply {{:Greta gc:parent :Maria. :Greta gc:sex gc:Female} => {:Maria
gc:daughter :Greta}}].
[ e:enter {:Tom gc:childIn :sd}].
[ e:enter {:Greta gc:spouseIn :sd}].
[ e:imply {{:Tom gc:childIn :sd. :Greta gc:spouseIn :sd} => {:Tom gc:parent
[ e:enter {:Tom gc:sex gc:Male}].
[ e:imply {{:Tom gc:parent :Greta. :Tom gc:sex gc:Male} => {:Greta gc:son
[ e:enter {:Tom gc:childIn :sd}].
[ e:enter {:Greta gc:spouseIn :sd}].
[ e:imply {{:Tom gc:childIn :sd. :Greta gc:spouseIn :sd} => {:Tom gc:parent
[ e:enter {gc:sibling rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty}].
[ e:enter {:Geert gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:Greta gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk
[ e:enter {(:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Rita
:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:imply {{:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk
:Greta). (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Rita :Geert
:Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Rita :Geert
:Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}}].
[ e:enter {(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Geert :Caroline
:Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:imply {{:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta).
(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk
:Greta)} => {:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}}].
[ e:enter {rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List}].
[ e:enter {(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Geert :Caroline
:Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:imply {{rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List. (:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk
:Greta) rdf:rest (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {(:Geert :Caroline
:Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List}}].
[ e:imply {{(:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List} => {(:Geert
:Caroline :Dirk :Greta) p0:subListOf (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}}].
[ e:enter {(:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:first :Geert}].
[ e:enter {(:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Caroline :Dirk
[ e:enter {(:Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:enter {rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List}].
[ e:enter {(:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Caroline :Dirk
[ e:imply {{rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List. (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)
rdf:rest (:Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {(:Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:type
[ e:enter {(:Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Greta)}].
[ e:enter {rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List}].
[ e:enter {(:Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:imply {{rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List. (:Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest
(:Dirk :Greta)} => {(:Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List}}].
[ e:enter {(:Greta) rdf:first :Greta}].
[ e:enter {rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List}].
[ e:enter {(:Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Greta)}].
[ e:imply {{rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List. (:Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Greta)}
=> {(:Greta) rdf:type rdf:List}}].
[ e:imply {{(:Greta) rdf:first :Greta. (:Greta) rdf:type rdf:List} =>
{:Greta list:in (:Greta)}}].
[ e:imply {{(:Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Greta). (:Dirk :Greta) rdf:type
rdf:List. :Greta list:in (:Greta)} => {:Greta list:in (:Dirk :Greta)}}].
[ e:imply {{(:Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Dirk :Greta). (:Caroline
:Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List. :Greta list:in (:Dirk :Greta)} => {:Greta
list:in (:Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}}].
[ e:imply {{:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta).
(:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) p0:subListOf (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk
:Greta). (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:first :Geert. (:Geert
:Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Caroline :Dirk :Greta). :Greta list:in
(:Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {:Geert owl:differentFrom :Greta}}].
[ e:imply {{:Geert gc:childIn :dp. :Greta gc:childIn :dp. :Geert
owl:differentFrom :Greta} => {:Geert gc:sibling :Greta}}].
[ e:imply {{gc:sibling rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty. :Geert gc:sibling
:Greta} => {:Greta gc:sibling :Geert}}].
[ e:enter {:Geert gc:sex gc:Male}].
[ e:imply {{:Greta gc:sibling :Geert. :Geert gc:sex gc:Male} => {:Greta
gc:brother :Geert}}].
[ e:imply {{:Tom gc:parent :Greta. :Greta gc:brother :Geert} => {:Tom
gc:uncle :Geert}}].
[ e:prove {{:Geert gc:mother :Maria. :Maria gc:daughter :Greta. :Greta
gc:son :Tom. :Tom gc:uncle :Geert} => {:Geert :testRelationship :Tom}}].
:Geert :testRelationship :Tom.

[ e:enter {:Dirk gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:Maria gc:spouseIn :dp}].
[ e:imply {{:Dirk gc:childIn :dp. :Maria gc:spouseIn :dp} => {:Dirk
gc:parent :Maria}}].
[ e:enter {:Maria gc:sex gc:Female}].
[ e:imply {{:Dirk gc:parent :Maria. :Maria gc:sex gc:Female} => {:Dirk
gc:mother :Maria}}].
[ e:enter {:Rita gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:Maria gc:spouseIn :dp}].
[ e:imply {{:Rita gc:childIn :dp. :Maria gc:spouseIn :dp} => {:Rita
gc:parent :Maria}}].
[ e:enter {:Rita gc:sex gc:Female}].
[ e:imply {{:Rita gc:parent :Maria. :Rita gc:sex gc:Female} => {:Maria
gc:daughter :Rita}}].
[ e:enter {:Bart gc:childIn :gd}].
[ e:enter {:Rita gc:spouseIn :gd}].
[ e:imply {{:Bart gc:childIn :gd. :Rita gc:spouseIn :gd} => {:Bart
gc:parent :Rita}}].
[ e:enter {:Bart gc:sex gc:Male}].
[ e:imply {{:Bart gc:parent :Rita. :Bart gc:sex gc:Male} => {:Rita gc:son
[ e:enter {:Bart gc:childIn :gd}].
[ e:enter {:Rita gc:spouseIn :gd}].
[ e:imply {{:Bart gc:childIn :gd. :Rita gc:spouseIn :gd} => {:Bart
gc:parent :Rita}}].
[ e:enter {:Rita gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:Dirk gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk
[ e:enter {(:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Rita
:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:imply {{:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk
:Greta). (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Rita :Geert
:Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Rita :Geert
:Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}}].
[ e:enter {rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List}].
[ e:enter {(:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Rita
:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:imply {{rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List. (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline
:Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {(:Rita
:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List}}].
[ e:imply {{(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List} =>
{(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) p0:subListOf (:Rita :Geert :Caroline
:Dirk :Greta)}}].
[ e:enter {(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:first :Rita}].
[ e:enter {(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Geert :Caroline
:Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:enter {(:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Caroline :Dirk
[ e:enter {rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List}].
[ e:enter {(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Geert :Caroline
:Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:imply {{rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List. (:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk
:Greta) rdf:rest (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {(:Geert :Caroline
:Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List}}].
[ e:enter {(:Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:enter {rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List}].
[ e:enter {(:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Caroline :Dirk
[ e:imply {{rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List. (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)
rdf:rest (:Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {(:Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:type
[ e:enter {(:Dirk :Greta) rdf:first :Dirk}].
[ e:enter {rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List}].
[ e:enter {(:Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:imply {{rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List. (:Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest
(:Dirk :Greta)} => {(:Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List}}].
[ e:imply {{(:Dirk :Greta) rdf:first :Dirk. (:Dirk :Greta) rdf:type
rdf:List} => {:Dirk list:in (:Dirk :Greta)}}].
[ e:imply {{(:Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Dirk :Greta). (:Caroline
:Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List. :Dirk list:in (:Dirk :Greta)} => {:Dirk
list:in (:Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}}].
[ e:imply {{(:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Caroline :Dirk
:Greta). (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List. :Dirk list:in
(:Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {:Dirk list:in (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk
[ e:imply {{:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta).
(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) p0:subListOf (:Rita :Geert :Caroline
:Dirk :Greta). (:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:first :Rita.
(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk
:Greta). :Dirk list:in (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {:Rita
owl:differentFrom :Dirk}}].
[ e:imply {{:Rita gc:childIn :dp. :Dirk gc:childIn :dp. :Rita
owl:differentFrom :Dirk} => {:Rita gc:sibling :Dirk}}].
[ e:enter {:Dirk gc:sex gc:Male}].
[ e:imply {{:Rita gc:sibling :Dirk. :Dirk gc:sex gc:Male} => {:Rita
gc:brother :Dirk}}].
[ e:imply {{:Bart gc:parent :Rita. :Rita gc:brother :Dirk} => {:Bart
gc:uncle :Dirk}}].
[ e:prove {{:Dirk gc:mother :Maria. :Maria gc:daughter :Rita. :Rita gc:son
:Bart. :Bart gc:uncle :Dirk} => {:Dirk :testRelationship :Bart}}].
:Dirk :testRelationship :Bart.

[ e:enter {:Dirk gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:Maria gc:spouseIn :dp}].
[ e:imply {{:Dirk gc:childIn :dp. :Maria gc:spouseIn :dp} => {:Dirk
gc:parent :Maria}}].
[ e:enter {:Maria gc:sex gc:Female}].
[ e:imply {{:Dirk gc:parent :Maria. :Maria gc:sex gc:Female} => {:Dirk
gc:mother :Maria}}].
[ e:enter {:Greta gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:Maria gc:spouseIn :dp}].
[ e:imply {{:Greta gc:childIn :dp. :Maria gc:spouseIn :dp} => {:Greta
gc:parent :Maria}}].
[ e:enter {:Greta gc:sex gc:Female}].
[ e:imply {{:Greta gc:parent :Maria. :Greta gc:sex gc:Female} => {:Maria
gc:daughter :Greta}}].
[ e:enter {:Tom gc:childIn :sd}].
[ e:enter {:Greta gc:spouseIn :sd}].
[ e:imply {{:Tom gc:childIn :sd. :Greta gc:spouseIn :sd} => {:Tom gc:parent
[ e:enter {:Tom gc:sex gc:Male}].
[ e:imply {{:Tom gc:parent :Greta. :Tom gc:sex gc:Male} => {:Greta gc:son
[ e:enter {:Tom gc:childIn :sd}].
[ e:enter {:Greta gc:spouseIn :sd}].
[ e:imply {{:Tom gc:childIn :sd. :Greta gc:spouseIn :sd} => {:Tom gc:parent
[ e:enter {gc:sibling rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty}].
[ e:enter {:Dirk gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:Greta gc:childIn :dp}].
[ e:enter {:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk
[ e:enter {(:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Rita
:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:imply {{:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk
:Greta). (:Jos :Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Rita :Geert
:Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Rita :Geert
:Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}}].
[ e:enter {(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Geert :Caroline
:Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:imply {{:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta).
(:Rita :Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk
:Greta)} => {:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}}].
[ e:enter {(:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Caroline :Dirk
[ e:imply {{:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta).
(:Geert :Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Caroline :Dirk :Greta)} => {:dp
owl:distinctMembers (:Caroline :Dirk :Greta)}}].
[ e:enter {(:Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:imply {{:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Caroline :Dirk :Greta). (:Caroline
:Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Dirk :Greta)} => {:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Dirk
[ e:enter {rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List}].
[ e:enter {(:Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Dirk :Greta)}].
[ e:imply {{rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List. (:Caroline :Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest
(:Dirk :Greta)} => {(:Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List}}].
[ e:imply {{(:Dirk :Greta) rdf:type rdf:List} => {(:Dirk :Greta)
p0:subListOf (:Dirk :Greta)}}].
[ e:enter {(:Dirk :Greta) rdf:first :Dirk}].
[ e:enter {(:Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Greta)}].
[ e:enter {(:Greta) rdf:first :Greta}].
[ e:enter {rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List}].
[ e:enter {(:Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Greta)}].
[ e:imply {{rdf:rest rdfs:range rdf:List. (:Dirk :Greta) rdf:rest (:Greta)}
=> {(:Greta) rdf:type rdf:List}}].
[ e:imply {{(:Greta) rdf:first :Greta. (:Greta) rdf:type rdf:List} =>
{:Greta list:in (:Greta)}}].
[ e:imply {{:dp owl:distinctMembers (:Dirk :Greta). (:Dirk :Greta)
p0:subListOf (:Dirk :Greta). (:Dirk :Greta) rdf:first :Dirk. (:Dirk :Greta)
rdf:rest (:Greta). :Greta list:in (:Greta)} => {:Dirk owl:differentFrom
[ e:imply {{:Dirk gc:childIn :dp. :Greta gc:childIn :dp. :Dirk
owl:differentFrom :Greta} => {:Dirk gc:sibling :Greta}}].
[ e:imply {{gc:sibling rdf:type owl:SymmetricProperty. :Dirk gc:sibling
:Greta} => {:Greta gc:sibling :Dirk}}].
[ e:enter {:Dirk gc:sex gc:Male}].
[ e:imply {{:Greta gc:sibling :Dirk. :Dirk gc:sex gc:Male} => {:Greta
gc:brother :Dirk}}].
[ e:imply {{:Tom gc:parent :Greta. :Greta gc:brother :Dirk} => {:Tom
gc:uncle :Dirk}}].
[ e:prove {{:Dirk gc:mother :Maria. :Maria gc:daughter :Greta. :Greta
gc:son :Tom. :Tom gc:uncle :Dirk} => {:Dirk :testRelationship :Tom}}].
:Dirk :testRelationship :Tom.

#ENDS 2143 msec.

# Test builtins --
#Processed by Id: euler.yap,v 1.31 2006/05/20 11:18:41 josd Exp

@prefix math: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix owl: <>.
@prefix str: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix e: <>.
@prefix : <>.

[ e:enter {{:b :a :c. :e :d :f. :h :g :i. :k :j :l} log:includes {:k :j :l.
:e :d :f}}].
[ e:prove {{{:b :a :c. :e :d :f. :h :g :i. :k :j :l} log:includes {:k :j
:l. :e :d :f}} => {log:includes :test :ok}}].
log:includes :test :ok.

[ e:enter {{:b :a :c. :e :d :f. :h :g :i} log:notIncludes {:e :d :f. :b :e
[ e:prove {{{:b :a :c. :e :d :f. :h :g :i} log:notIncludes {:e :d :f. :b :e
:c}} => {log:notIncludes :test :ok}}].
log:notIncludes :test :ok.

[ e:enter {7 math:notLessThan 5}].
[ e:prove {{7 math:notLessThan 5} => {math:notLessThan :test :ok}}].
math:notLessThan :test :ok.

[ e:enter {(1 1) math:sum 2}].
[ e:prove {{(1 1) math:sum 2} => {math:sum :test :ok}}].
math:sum :test :ok.

[ e:enter {("eul" "er") str:concatenation "euler"}].
[ e:prove {{("eul" "er") str:concatenation "euler"} => {str:concatenation
:test :ok}}].
str:concatenation :test :ok.

[ e:enter {"Tim" str:containsIgnoringCase "IM"}].
[ e:enter {"Tim" = "Tim"}].
[ e:enter {"IM" = "IM"}].
[ e:prove {{"Tim" str:containsIgnoringCase "IM". "Tim" = "Tim". "IM" =
"IM"} => {str:containsIgnoringCase :test :ok}}].
str:containsIgnoringCase :test :ok.

[ e:enter {"euler" str:startsWith "eu"}].
[ e:prove {{"euler" str:startsWith "eu"} => {str:startsWith :test :ok}}].
str:startsWith :test :ok.

#ENDS 0 msec.

# ====================================================================
# Exon query --
# ====================================================================
#Processed by Id: euler.yap,v 1.31 2006/05/20 11:18:41 josd Exp

@prefix math: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix owl: <>.
@prefix str: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix e: <>.
@prefix e: <>.
@prefix q: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix : <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.

[ e:enter {<>
rdf:type :Gene.
<> :chr
"chrX". <>
:hasTxVariant _:e235091_3_. _:e235091_3_ :representedBy
:hasTxVariant _:e235094_3_. _:e235094_3_ :representedBy
<> :strand
"+". <>
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23897840".
:stopsAt "23897903".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23902084".
:stopsAt "23902334".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23902084".
:stopsAt "23902346".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23906218".
:stopsAt "23906347".
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235143_3_. _:e235143_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235143_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
:weThink {:life rdf:type :Great}.
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235162_3_. _:e235162_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235162_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
[ e:enter
rdf:type :Gene.
<> :chr
"chrX". <>
:hasTxVariant _:e235091_3_. _:e235091_3_ :representedBy
:hasTxVariant _:e235094_3_. _:e235094_3_ :representedBy
<> :strand
"+". <>
rdf:type :Exon.
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:stopsAt "23897903".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23902084".
:stopsAt "23902334".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23902084".
:stopsAt "23902346".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23906218".
:stopsAt "23906347".
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235143_3_. _:e235143_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235143_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
:weThink {:life rdf:type :Great}.
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235162_3_. _:e235162_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235162_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
rdf:type :Transcript.
rdf:type :Transcript}}].
[ e:enter
rdf:type :Gene.
<> :chr
"chrX". <>
:hasTxVariant _:e235091_3_. _:e235091_3_ :representedBy
:hasTxVariant _:e235094_3_. _:e235094_3_ :representedBy
<> :strand
"+". <>
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23897840".
:stopsAt "23897903".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23902084".
:stopsAt "23902334".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23902084".
:stopsAt "23902346".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23906218".
:stopsAt "23906347".
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235143_3_. _:e235143_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235143_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
:weThink {:life rdf:type :Great}.
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235162_3_. _:e235162_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235162_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
[ e:prove {{<>
rdf:type :Gene.
<> :chr
"chrX". <>
:hasTxVariant _:e235091_3_. _:e235091_3_ :representedBy
:hasTxVariant _:e235094_3_. _:e235094_3_ :representedBy
<> :strand
"+". <>
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23897840".
:stopsAt "23897903".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23902084".
:stopsAt "23902334".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23902084".
:stopsAt "23902346".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23906218".
:stopsAt "23906347".
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235143_3_. _:e235143_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235143_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
:weThink {:life rdf:type :Great}.
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235162_3_. _:e235162_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235162_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
rdf:type :Gene.
<> :chr
"chrX". <>
:hasTxVariant _:e235091_3_. _:e235091_3_ :representedBy
:hasTxVariant _:e235094_3_. _:e235094_3_ :representedBy
<> :strand
"+". <>
rdf:type :Exon. <
#ATP1B4_e1> :startsAt "23897840".
:stopsAt "23897903".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23902084".
:stopsAt "23902334".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23902084".
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rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23906218".
:stopsAt "23906347".
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235143_3_. _:e235143_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235143_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
:weThink {:life rdf:type :Great}.
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235162_3_. _:e235162_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235162_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
rdf:type :Transcript.
rdf:type :Transcript}.
rdf:type :Gene.
<> :chr
"chrX". <>
:hasTxVariant _:e235091_3_. _:e235091_3_ :representedBy
:hasTxVariant _:e235094_3_. _:e235094_3_ :representedBy
<> :strand
"+". <>
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23897840".
:stopsAt "23897903".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23902084".
:stopsAt "23902334".
rdf:type :Exon. <
est/EricNeumann/exdata.n3#ATP1B4_e3> :startsAt "23902084".
:stopsAt "23902346".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23906218".
:stopsAt "23906347".
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235143_3_. _:e235143_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235143_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
:weThink {:life rdf:type :Great}.
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235162_3_. _:e235162_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235162_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
<>}} =>
{<> q:answer
<> q:answer

[ e:enter {<>
rdf:type :Gene.
<> :chr
"chrX". <>
:hasTxVariant _:e235184_3_. _:e235184_3_ :representedBy
:hasTxVariant _:e235187_3_. _:e235187_3_ :representedBy
<> :strand
"+". <>
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23897840".
:stopsAt "23897903".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23902084".
:stopsAt "23902334".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23902084".
:stopsAt "23902346".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23906218".
:stopsAt "23906347".
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235236_3_. _:e235236_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235236_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
:weThink {:life rdf:type :Great}.
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235255_3_. _:e235255_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235255_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
[ e:enter
rdf:type :Gene.
<> :chr
"chrX". <>
:hasTxVariant _:e235184_3_. _:e235184_3_ :representedBy
:hasTxVariant _:e235187_3_. _:e235187_3_ :representedBy
<> :strand
"+". <>
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23897840".
:stopsAt "23897903".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23902084".
:stopsAt "23902334".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23902084".
:stopsAt "23902346".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23906218".
:stopsAt "23906347".
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235236_3_. _:e235236_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235236_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
:weThink {:life rdf:type :Great}.
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235255_3_. _:e235255_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235255_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
rdf:type :Transcript.
rdf:type :Transcript}}].
[ e:enter
rdf:type :Gene.
<> :chr
"chrX". <>
:hasTxVariant _:e235184_3_. _:e235184_3_ :representedBy
:hasTxVariant _:e235187_3_. _:e235187_3_ :representedBy
<> :strand
"+". <>
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23897840".
:stopsAt "23897903".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23902084".
:stopsAt "23902334".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23902084".
:stopsAt "23902346".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23906218".
:stopsAt "23906347".
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235236_3_. _:e235236_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235236_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
:weThink {:life rdf:type :Great}.
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235255_3_. _:e235255_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235255_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
[ e:prove {{<>
rdf:type :Gene.
<> :chr
"chrX". <>
:hasTxVariant _:e235184_3_. _:e235184_3_ :representedBy
:hasTxVariant _:e235187_3_. _:e235187_3_ :representedBy
<> :strand
"+". <>
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23897840".
:stopsAt "23897903".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23902084".
:stopsAt "23902334".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23902084".
:stopsAt "23902346".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23906218".
:stopsAt "23906347".
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235236_3_. _:e235236_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235236_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
:weThink {:life rdf:type :Great}.
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235255_3_. _:e235255_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235255_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
rdf:type :Gene.
<> :chr
"chrX". <>
:hasTxVariant _:e235184_3_. _:e235184_3_ :representedBy
:hasTxVariant _:e235187_3_. _:e235187_3_ :representedBy
<> :strand
"+". <>
rdf:type :Exon. <
#ATP1B4_e1> :startsAt "23897840".
:stopsAt "23897903".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23902084".
:stopsAt "23902334".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23902084".
:stopsAt "23902346".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23906218".
:stopsAt "23906347".
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235236_3_. _:e235236_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235236_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
:weThink {:life rdf:type :Great}.
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235255_3_. _:e235255_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235255_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
rdf:type :Transcript.
rdf:type :Transcript}.
rdf:type :Gene.
<> :chr
"chrX". <>
:hasTxVariant _:e235184_3_. _:e235184_3_ :representedBy
:hasTxVariant _:e235187_3_. _:e235187_3_ :representedBy
<> :strand
"+". <>
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23897840".
:stopsAt "23897903".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23902084".
:stopsAt "23902334".
rdf:type :Exon. <
est/EricNeumann/exdata.n3#ATP1B4_e3> :startsAt "23902084".
:stopsAt "23902346".
rdf:type :Exon.
:startsAt "23906218".
:stopsAt "23906347".
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235236_3_. _:e235236_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235236_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
:weThink {:life rdf:type :Great}.
rdf:type :Transcript.
:hasCds _:e235255_3_. _:e235255_3_ :startsAt "23897840". _:e235255_3_
:stopsAt "23915296".
<>}} =>
{<> q:answer
<> q:answer

#ENDS 160 msec.

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Saturday, 20 May 2006 14:10:39 UTC