Re: DOMSubtreeModified

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
> So if we add a requirement that the event must occur at least once
> every hour it would be sufficiently well-defined to be implemented
> (in an implementation of the minimum requirements to successfully
> execute a minimal test program that tests this)?

That would be testable, yes.  But as you pointed out, this is not really a 
useful requirement.  The "fire before painting the changes" requirement is a 
much more useful one, so if we can actually make that well-defined we should, imo.

My basic problem with implementing this is that if I don't fire the 
DOMSubtreeModified event sync, then the question becomes "when is it OK to fire 
it?"  What if I do a DOM mutation, then put up an alert and wait for two hours? 
  Should the event fire while the alert is up?  Or not?


Received on Tuesday, 9 May 2006 17:42:49 UTC