Re: DOMSubtreeModified

Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
> My understanding is as follows: you have a subtree and it is mutated in
> some way; the individual mutation events occur, and then, at some imple-
> mentation defined point

Right.  What point?  Under what conditions can a UA claim compliance?  If all 
DOMSubtreeModified events are queued up and then fired off a 50ms timer, is that 
a compliant UA?  What if it's a 50 second timer?  50 year timer?  This issue is 
not really resolved by the latest draft (though it would seem to me that the 
answer per that draft is "depends on what 'rapid succession'" means).

> The expectation is that the event
> occurs in a way that allows authors of DOM applications to react to the
> DOMSubtreeModified event only.

It's not clear to me what this means, exactly, in terms of when the events 
should be fired.

I understand what the goal of having DOMSubtreeModified is.  I'm just don't 
think it's well-defined enough to implement as things stand.

I'm not quite sure how to redefine it to be useful without introducing an 
explicit change batch API or something.


Received on Tuesday, 9 May 2006 05:34:25 UTC