Re: fun with embedded RDF

On Thu, 2006-02-23 at 08:59 +0000, Ian Davis wrote:
> On 23/02/2006 08:39, Dan Connolly wrote:
> > I've got some schemas that I want to re-do using XHTML/GRDDL...
> > I started reviving HyperRDF
> >
> Interesting - a first glance appears to show a lot of similarities. I 
> need to read this properly. What's the best way to move forward on 
> reconciling the various approaches?

I dunno... in fits and starts, I work on projects like...

 - noodling on my homepage and foaf file every once in a while,
  especially in preparation for trips like the TP
 - noodling on my list of past events, publications, and the like
   (I owe MIT an update to my CV)
 - formalizing DAWG records
 - the /TR/ page stuff
 - Ivan's work on /Talks/
 - timbl's roadmap diagrams
 - webarch formal descriptions

and across all those are all kinds of best-practices
issues like:

   when to use rdfs:label vs cyc:nameOfAgent etc.
   This shows up in the tabulator, which knows rdfs:label
   and foaf:name and dc:title and maybe a few others,
   but isn't extensible (yet)

 - schema size. cyc and wordnet are nice, but they
   don't seem to be published in the web as RDF in
   stable, manageable chunks. SUMO is promising. See

   when to use something out there, and when to
   make your own schema

 - schema documentation and testing. The tabulator
   will tell you when you're using (directly or indirectly)
   a schema that's 404. It doesn't catch foaf:Preson errors
   yet. We have some N3 rules that do, but they're too slow
   to be usable. Pellet is quite good for that sort of thing.

Some organizational possibilities include
 - random #swig progress
 - the SemWeb BP WG
 - the TAG
 - the recently started HCLSIG
 - PAW and TAMI research projects
 - a possible GRDDL WG-to-be

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Thursday, 23 February 2006 15:12:19 UTC