Re: unit tests for 2006/02swap/euler.js please?

On Mon, 2006-02-06 at 10:57 -0600, Dan Connolly wrote:
> but I can't read the code.
> I'd really like to get a version of that code with unit
> tests that explain what it's doing.
> I'd even like to work on it, though I'm not sure where
> to find the time.
> I see this a few times:
>   s.head.charAt(0) == '?'
> is that testing whether the head is a variable? Please
> factor that out as a isVar(s.head) test. DRY.

I see that's done; thanks.

> what datastructures are you passing around? what's a
> query? a lstep? That's where I'd like to see unit tests.

Thanks for explaining over the phone...

rules = {
    {head:{head:"a", body:[{head:":Socrates", body:[]}, {head:":Man", body:[]}]}, body:[]},
    {head:{head:"a", body:[{head:"?WHO", body:[]}, {head:":Mortal", body:[]}]}, body:[{head:"a", body:[{head:"?WHO", body:[]}, {head:":Man", body:[]}]}]}

goals = [{head:{}, body:[{head:"a", body:[{head:"?WHO", body:[]}, {head:"?WHAT", body:[]}]}]}]

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Tuesday, 7 February 2006 15:58:37 UTC