Re: experimental "WORKER" proof

I now think that

WHERE {{W1} UNION {W2} ... UNION {Wn}}

should return

{C_for_solution1_of_W1} UNION {C_for_solution2_of_W1} ... UNION 
{C_for_solution1_of_W2} UNION {C_for_solution2_of_W2} ... UNION 
{C_for_solution1_of_Wn} UNION {C_for_solution2_of_Wn} ... UNION 

UNION is disjunctive whereas }{ is conjunctive
will test asap

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Jos De_Roo
08/09/2005 14:36

        To:     w3c archive
        Subject:        experimental "WORKER" proof

for data

:Paul a :WORKER.
:Andrea a :WORKER.
:Simon a :EMPLOYEE.
:Caroline a :MANAGER.
:Paul :has-friend :Andrea.
:Paul :has-friend :Simon.
:Simon :has-friend :Andrea.
:Andrea :has-friend :Caroline.


and query

PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX : <enricoP#>

CONSTRUCT {(?X ?Y ?Z) :provedAs :possibleModel}
WHERE {?X a :WORKER; :has-friend ?Y. ?Y a :EMPLOYEE; :has-friend ?Z. ?Z a 

is getting

{{:Paul a :WORKER} e:evidence <file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_6>. 
 {:Paul :has-friend :Andrea} e:evidence <file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_10>. 
 {{:Andrea a :WORKER} e:evidence <file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_7>. 
  {{:Paul a :WORKER} e:evidence <file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_6>. 
   {:Paul :has-friend :Simon} e:evidence <file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_11>. 
   {:Simon a :EMPLOYEE} e:evidence <file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_8>. 
   {:Simon :has-friend :Andrea} e:evidence <file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_12>. 
   {{e:quod e:erat e:demonstrandum} => {}} e:evidence 
<file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_23>} e:sequent {
  {{:Andrea a :MANAGER} => {}} e:evidence <file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_21>}} 
e:sequent {
 {:Andrea a :EMPLOYEE} e:evidence <file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_17>}. 
 {:Andrea :has-friend :Caroline} e:evidence <file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_13>. 
 {:Caroline a :MANAGER} e:evidence <file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_9>} e:sequent {
{(:Paul :Andrea :Caroline) :provedAs :possibleModel} e:evidence <>}. 

{{:Paul a :WORKER} e:evidence <file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_6>. 
 {:Paul :has-friend :Simon} e:evidence <file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_11>. 
 {:Simon a :EMPLOYEE} e:evidence <file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_8>. 
 {:Simon :has-friend :Andrea} e:evidence <file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_12>. 
 {{:Andrea a :WORKER} e:evidence <file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_7>. 
  {{:Paul a :WORKER} e:evidence <file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_6>. 
   {:Paul :has-friend :Andrea} e:evidence <file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_10>. 
   {:Andrea :has-friend :Caroline} e:evidence <file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_13>. 

   {:Caroline a :MANAGER} e:evidence <file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_9>. 
   {{e:quod e:erat e:demonstrandum} => {}} e:evidence 
<file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_23>} e:sequent {
  {{:Andrea a :EMPLOYEE} => {}} e:evidence <file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_22>}} 
e:sequent {
 {:Andrea a :MANAGER} e:evidence <file:/temp/enricoP.n3#_18>}} e:sequent {
{(:Paul :Simon :Andrea) :provedAs :possibleModel} e:evidence <>}. 

and with -nope

(:Paul :Andrea :Caroline) :provedAs :possibleModel. 
(:Paul :Simon :Andrea) :provedAs :possibleModel. 

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Sunday, 11 September 2005 00:26:25 UTC