Re: worries about useMentionOp and how queries relate to rules and proofs

>> Pat, I didn't mean to ban poison like :isBnode or :isBound
>> just indeed keep it in bottle of inference engine (and
>> express such syntactic operations using Python, Java,..)
>> I have seen no motivating example that we should speak
>> and listen to them in something else than sets of RDF triples
> Well, I can't point to any use examples, but it seems reasonable that 
> someone might want to apply a syntactic filter to their query answers 
> (like, I only want to see answers which have all URIrefs in them, 
> say)  No?

Well ok, but I'm not really motivated by that example :)
Anyhow, we do many such jobs to prepare and extract triples
from almost everything (even books written in PDF recently)
and also to consume them, to put them in SVG on pocket PC
etc, but for such jobs we simply use XSLT (and of course
Python, Java, ...)

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Saturday, 5 February 2005 18:35:54 UTC