AWWW, 2nd last call comments


# AWWW, 20040816 release, sections 1 and 2

     * 2004-09-09T11:45:10Z from gk
     * 2004-09-13T19:00:00Z ACTION:

DanC: propose some response to " AWWW, 20040816 release, sections 1 and 2" 

I note that you're actioned to respond to my comments on sections 1/2 of AWWW.

If you don't find any resonance with my comments, please don't put too much 
effort into your response.  If the comments aren't helpful, I don't want to 
make unnecessary work -- I'm happy for any, none or all of the specific 
comments to be used at editorial discretion.


Graham Klyne
For email:

Received on Tuesday, 14 September 2004 10:01:33 UTC