Re: [OEP] Draft of a note on n-ary relations

On Thu, 2004-05-13 at 10:12, Alan Rector wrote:
> * I think CurriedFunctions are different and would prefer to avoid them in a simple primer

fair enough...

> * The argument list is a common programming trick - e.g. functions that deliver tuples -
> but I think distorts the spirit of either RDF or OWL.

Huh? Distorts the spirit?

It's quite straightforward and it works well.

>   For OWL it has the added
> disadvantage of moving immediately to OWL full

Really? I don't think so. Can you explain how the use of a list as
the subject of a property moves to OWL full?

>  and - I think - requiring a data type property to hold the list for
> what is otherwise semantically an object property. (If I am wrong on this, somebody
> please correct me.)

Maybe I'll check with a tool or something.

>   It also leaves the semantics of the different arguments implicit whereas any
> of the other mechanisms make them more explicit.

More explicit? I don't understand what you mean by that.

> I wouldn't oppose including it, but I would want those  'health warnings' attached.

I don't see how using lists puts anybodys health at risk. ;-)

Please do include it.


Dan Connolly, W3C
see you at the WWW2004 in NY 15-21 May?

Received on Thursday, 13 May 2004 11:42:09 UTC