Re: [Agenda] 22 Mar 2004 TAG teleconf (I18N Charmod review, LC issues)

On Fri, 2004-03-19 at 18:43, Ian B. Jacobs wrote:
> [1]

I get a 404 there. Wierd!

> -----------------------------------------------------------
>                   Agenda of 22 March 2004 TAG teleconference
> 1. Administrative (20min)
>     1. Roll call: RF, TBL (Scribe), NW, PC, SW, CL, MJ, DC. Regrets: IJ

that looks like a copy/paste bug.

>   2.1 Publication of Qname finding?

so does that.

Dan Connolly, W3C
see you at the WWW2004 in NY 17-22 May?

Received on Monday, 22 March 2004 14:08:24 UTC