Re: Graphs vs. Authorities vs. Warrants vs. Authentication vs. Certification etc.

On Mar 19, 2004, at 10:26, Patrick Stickler wrote:
>> hence I suggest inverting that property making
>> it
>> swp:graphOfWarrant     @@ change name
>>     a rdf:Property ;
>>     rdfs:comment "The subject is a warrant by which the object graph 
>> can
>> be authenticated and
>>                   its assertional status and asserting or originating
>> authority determined." ;
>>     rdfs:range rdfg:Graph ;
>>     rdfs:domain swp:Warrant ;
>>     owl:cardinality "1"^^xsd:int . @@ sic
> Looks OK to me.
> Though perhaps just swp:graph is enough, since the domain/range make
> the rest clear.
> (I tend to prefer having predicates that closely match the range. I've
> found that users grok an ontology much better when things line up
> mnemmonically in that fashion)

Just to be pedantic, giving us:

:G (

      some:resource some:property some:value .

      [  a swp:Warrant ;
         swp:graph :G ;
         swp:assertingAuthority ex:Bob ;
         swp:signature "..."^^sig:PGPSignature .
         swp:certificate "..." .
         swp:certificationAuthority <> .

      [  a swp:Warrant ;
         swp:graph :G ;
         swp:authority ex:Bill ;
         swp:signature "..."^^sig:X509Signature .

      [  a swp:Warrant ;
         swp:graph :G ;
         swp:assertingAuthority ex:Mary ;
         swp:signature "..."^^xyz:XYZSignature ;
         xyz:policy xyz:blargh .


... er... what to do about

      :G swp:warrant 
<> .


Oops! There go our external warrants! Then again, that might not be such
a big deal...

Or do we really have to constrain each warrant to a single graph in the
swp: ontology itself -- since each warrant's signature is graph 
there is simply no utility/means to have the same warrant authenticate
two different graphs -- so perhaps the swp:warrant property is OK and
the limitation to a single graph is enforced by the nature of the
signature rather than by OWL semantics.




Patrick Stickler
Nokia, Finland

Received on Friday, 19 March 2004 03:37:16 UTC