[w3photo] W3photo IRC Reminder, Agenda

Reminder of W3Photo IRC Chat ...
location: irc.freenode.net
channel: #foaf  (#rdfig is busy today)

15:00 - 16:00 GMT: Continue the discussion of image vocab and see if we
can resolve any open issues.  Within this hour I also wanted to discuss
the W3Photo.org site.

16:00 - 17:00 GMT: Integrating our new capability of annotating photos
with the W3 conferences and conference materials.

The agenda is loose for both parts of the chat. Here's a hoped-for

15:00 - greetings and general questions
15:10 - show-n-tell of posted vocabs; what's online
15:20 - discuss http://www.bnowack.de/w3photo/pages/image_doc_rdfsowl
15:40 - discuss w3photo.org website, w3photo.org/photos repository
		- changes needed to explanatory site
		- prioritize bug fixes, other changes to repository
		- action items, summarize

16:00 - greetings, summarize first half for people just joining this
16:10 - Update from Southampton
16:20 - Update from Mindswap
16:30 - Discuss Event Vocab issues
16:45 - Begin wrapping up


This is the TEMPORARY discussion list for the W3 Semantic-Photo History
Project. For questions, contact greg@fotonotes.net.

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Received on Thursday, 4 March 2004 10:17:59 UTC