- From: Benjamin Nowack <bnowack@appmosphere.com>
- Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 18:37:59 +0100
- To: semantic-photolist@unitboy.com
- Cc: Greg Elin <greg@fotonotes.net>
On 01.03.2004 10:40:05, Greg Elin wrote: >The best time for catching up seems to be Thu Mar 4, freenode.net, on >the #foaf channel. Hi all, I'll be offline til saturday, so I unfortunately can't join the chat on Thursday. I worked a little on the imreg vocab/doc today: - namespace uri update: http://www.w3.org/2004/03/image-regions# ;-) - "repaired" the OWL DL description of image:width and image:height (domain is now owl:Thing, range is rdfs:Literal). I didn't replace them with exif terms, though. - added imreg:width and imreg:height (see morten's comments at [1]) - fixed my weird coords documentation. code examples are still missing, I didn't find the time yet to extend my spec'n'doc generator, maybe next weekend then.. and here are some (random) thoughts concerning potential annotation workflow extensions ("nice to have"s) we discussed last week: 1) sign up - add email or add url of foaf personal profile document 2) upload images - flag "others may annotate this image, too" ? 3) browse images, pick one for annotating 4) annotate - pick annotation dialog/form (4.1-4.4) 4.1) general information - set image title - set image description - creator of image ? 4.2) identify people 4.2.1) draw shape 4.2.2a) pick name from personal foaf:knows (if PPD was set at 1)) or 4.2.2b) enter identifying props (mbox, weblog, name,..) or 4.2.2c) search name, autofill form 4.3 type Person? (e.g. "Attendee", "Presenter") ..heavy stuff.. 4.3) event - type event (e.g. "KeynoteTalk") 4.4) add untyped regions and annotations 4.4.1 draw shape 4.4.2 write comment (e.g. 'xx was so proud of his *huge* 8" laptop screen' etc) ;-) benjamin -- Benjamin Nowack Kruppstr. 82-100 45145 Essen, Germany [1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2004Feb/0076.html ================= This is the TEMPORARY discussion list for the W3 Semantic-Photo History Project. For questions, contact greg@fotonotes.net. Subscribe Instructions To: semantic-photolist-request@unitboy.com Body: subscribe Unsubscribe Instructions To: semantic-photolist-request@unitboy.com Body: unsubscribe Help To: semantic-photolist-request@unitboy.com Body: help
Received on Tuesday, 2 March 2004 12:38:48 UTC