RE: wordpress categories -> skos

Hi Dan,

> Ah yeah, I made up 'id' before I hit the guide to find its real name,
> but forgot. Fixed to be localID now.

 Should probably use 'skos:externalID' for now, cos 'skos:localId' is not
yet in the vocab, and also I intended it to be used a bit different anyway
(pointing to a blank node ... see
which I forgot to ref from the last mail).

> ps. if we can find a few people to test drive this, we could try
> harvesting into an aggregate triple store. Data should be 
> scruffy enough
> to upset both librarians and ontologists... I'd like a UI within
> Wordpress to allow someone to map their categories to those of their
> friends  and collaborators. Or to more widely used systems. 
> We also imho would benefit from conventions for referencing 
> SKOS concept schemes from within a FOAF file, eg.  I 
> could say w.r..t myself, 
> <Person>
>  <name>Dan Brickley</name>
>  <rdfs:seeAlso>
>    <skos:ConceptScheme rdf:about=""/>
>  </rdfs:SeeAlso>
> </Person>

This sort of thing sounds cool.  Any better properties than rdfs:seeAlso?  

> ...question then is, whether the URI of a concept scheme is 
> expected to 
> have RDF of any kind at it; and if not, how do we make the 
> RDF findable
> for those cases where there is an RDF representation published?

Yes I have been wondering about that for a while.  If we could agree on a
convention, that would be a great thing to have the new SKOS guide.  

What if we say: the URI of a concept scheme should resolve to a description
of just the scheme itself.  This description should include statements about
how to obtain the full contents of the scheme. 



Received on Monday, 9 August 2004 13:55:54 UTC