Re: SWP Vocabulary Diagram

Hi Patrick,

> >
> > Is the diagram all right?
> Looks correct insofar as the RDF schemas are concerned (noting that
> it is more constrained than the schemas since certain cardinalities
> are not specified in the schemas -- Jeremy, if you could indicate
> how to do that property, since I seem to have gotten it wrong
> earlier, feel free to do so).

Yes, defining these cardinalities sounds like a job for our OWL fraction.

> 1. Do we wish to require swp:signatureMethod if swp:signature is
> defined?

It is impossible to express this constraint in the ER diagram.
Is it possible with OWL?

> 2. Do we wish to limit a warrant to a single signature?

Yes. The cardinallity in the diagram is already "?". Would be nice to have
the same in the schema.

> BTW, the updated RDF schema for SWP reflecting the same vocabulary as
> Chris' diagram is attached.
> I'm hoping that this is now the final vocabulary. Yes?

Nearly :-)

I think we should move to OWL in order to be able to express the cardinality
restrictions, or include them at least into the RDFS comments.
Other comments see below:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

   <!ENTITY rdf  "">
   <!ENTITY rdfs "">
   <!ENTITY xsd  "">
   <!ENTITY rdfg "">
   <!ENTITY swp  "">


   <rdfs:Class rdf:about="&swp;/Authority">
An authority, or origin, of a graph; such as a person or company.

   <rdfs:Class rdf:about="&swp;/Warrant">
A relationship between an authority and

a graph => one or more graphs

, in which the authority is in
some way an origin of
that graph. => the graphs
 Warrants may include a digital signature of
the graph by the authority.

   <rdfs:Class rdf:about="&swp;/SignatureMethod">
      <rdfs:label>Signature Method</rdfs:label>
A method used to construct a signature used to authenticate a graph.

   <rdf:Property rdf:about="&swp;/assertedBy">
      <rdfs:label>asserted by</rdfs:label>
The subject graph
originates from and  => delete, because asserting says nothing about who
defined the original graph. It is possible that a graph originates from
Patrick and I assert it adittionally.
is asserted by the authority specified
for the object warrant. The statements expressed in the graph are taken to
claims made by that authority.
      <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&rdfg;/Graph"/>
      <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&swp;/Warrant"/>

   <rdf:Property rdf:about="&swp;/quotedBy">
      <rdfs:label>quoted by</rdfs:label>
The subject graph originates from the authority specified for the object
Same comment as above.
The statements expressed in the graph are not taken to be claims made by
authority, insofar as any statement using this property is concerned.
      <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&rdfg;/Graph"/>
      <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&swp;/Warrant"/>

   <rdf:Property rdf:about="&swp;/authority">
The object authority is the origin of the graph with which the subject
is associated.
      <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&swp;/Warrant"/>
      <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&swp;/Authority"/>

   <rdf:Property rdf:about="&swp;/signature">
The object is the signature to be used to authenticate
the graph => the graphs
with which the
subject warrant is associated.
      <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&swp;/Warrant"/>
      <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&xsd;#base64Binary"/>

   <rdf:Property rdf:about="&swp;/signatureMethod">
      <rdfs:label>signature method</rdfs:label>
The object is the signature method by which  the signature specified for the
warrant subject was constructed.
      <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&swp;/Warrant"/>
      <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&swp;/SignatureMethod"/>

   <rdf:Property rdf:about="&swp;/certificate">
The object is a certificate by which the authority specified for the warrant
can be authenticated.
      <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&swp;/Warrant"/>
Certificates should be linked to authorities (or optionally authority and/or
      <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&xsd;#base64Binary"/>

   <swp:SignatureMethod rdf:about="&swp;/X509">
      <rdfs:comment>X509 Signature Method</rdfs:comment>

   <swp:SignatureMethod rdf:about="&swp;/PGP">
      <rdfs:comment>The PGP Signature Method</rdfs:comment>

I think we should wait with instance definitions untill we have defined the
additional vocabulary that allows you to specifiy a method as a combination
of cantonalization method, hash algo and signature algo. PGP and X509 both
allow different hash and sig algo combinations. Thus it is a little
unprecise just to say X509.


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Received on Thursday, 15 April 2004 09:51:38 UTC