Re: namespace URI


I have just been reading the W3C namespace policy:

which states a policy for "namespaces defined within the W3C for 
recommendation track documents" and talks about requesting such URIs when a 
submission is made.

In the case of a document using a policy selected from the template above, 
the allocation of a namespace of the form /YYYY/MM/ssss where ssss is a 
short string not causing confusion alarm or embarrassment should be an 
administrative matter.

My take is that we should currently proceed with using the three? different 
namespaces under (which are necessarily in 
breach of that policy having additional directory level). If and when this 
work starts down the rec track (for instance with a member submission), we 
should conform with the W3C policy for rec track namespaces (i.e. by 
requesting however many short names ssss are required, and arranging the 
namespaces to fit, e.g. with # rather than / ).
Any such decision should be clearly articuated in any namespace documents 
we publish at this stage.


Received on Tuesday, 6 April 2004 09:06:26 UTC